Page 23 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 23

you’ve exhausted your belief in the known that you look for answers out in
                the unknown. It’s faith, it’s belief, that keeps you going. Nevertheless.

                   The longest night of my life is this long flight where I find myself seated.
                I feel time to the millionth part of a second. It is like boarding a rocket only
                to be lost in space, not knowing when I would return. Every second, I see
                flashes of my past life, here and there.

                   When I break out of my reverie occasionally, I think of all the reasons
                why this flight should not spiral down. I am a nervous flyer and no matter
                how hard I try to lower my anxiety, it wouldn’t help. But today, I can’t die.

                   As  I  look  at  the  baggage  cabinet,  assured  that  the  box  is  safe  in  my
                backpack, I am reminded of all the years I have waited to embark on this
                journey. Mom, I carry a piece of you wherever I go. The piece isn’t round
                and smooth. It’s scratched and broken. It hurts me as it reminds me of the
                unspoken  words,  unkept  promises,  and  uncalled-for  advances.  It’s
                unbearable to carry it any further. Sometimes, I wish to claw it out and let it
                sink in the deep sea. I would bleed for a while but eventually I would be set

                free from the pain of carrying it—the piece of you! Not all pain is physical,
                not all abuse is physical, some of it is emotional, and I desire to heal—heal
                by the deep sea, heal beneath the warming sun.
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