Page 50 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 50

Rainfall ignites a flame in every soul. A singer is no exception. Children
                jump with joy, thrill, and go berserk in the rains. Rains lift us with joy, with

                   I scribble in my diary:

                   Heaven is white
                   only in fiction.

                   It is certainly blue
                   and green in reality.

                   What’s your drug?
                   Mine is the sea, rains.

                   What’s your drug?
                   Or the mountains.

                   Heaven is white only in fiction. It’s certainly blue and green in reality.
                And when you feel so, you don’t really have to die to reach heaven. You
                can do so while you’re still alive. Life is uncertain. But death is certain and

                no  matter  what  you  do,  it  will  meet  you  someday,  somewhere.  What
                happens after death is a complete mystery. So live life to the fullest and visit
                heaven more often.

                   Next morning, the first thing I try out is a ‘cutting chai’, as they call it in
                India. A group of singers enter the compartment. They’re all dressed up in
                intricate  cotton  lehengas  and  dhotis.  Women  are  adorned  in  black  metal
                jewellery and have designs made out of bindi -like dots across their face.
                They also have on white bangles broad enough to fully cover their wrists
                and partially even their arms.

                   They  play  instruments  that  are  perhaps  indigenous  to  the  Indian
                subcontinent. They sing in their melodious voices. I’m a Bollywood fan so I
                have  never  had  issues  understanding  Hindi.  Dad  made  sure  I  also  learnt
                speaking Hindi, my mother tongue. There’s an inexplicable feeling about
                getting under the skin of a culture.

                   As  I  listen  to  them  play  Udd  Jaa  Kaale  Kaawa  ,  I  feel  the  grief  of
                separation flow in my veins. They are some traditional folk performers and
                I barely know them. But aren’t we all the same? Yes, we are! The core of us
                is all emotions, feelings, and experiences. How we look or where we come
                from might differ, yet we’re all the same. Humans are all the same. We’re
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