Page 53 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 53

from the locals to encourage their art and play a small yet significant part in
                contributing to their livelihood.

                   I keep moving along the beach towards the less crowded corner. A couple
                —probably Malaysian tourists, their t-shirts read so—ask me to click their
                picture.  We  instantly  strike  a  bond,  engage  in  casual  chit-chat  and  get  a
                picture clicked together. They also promise me to email them later.

                   I  open  my  diary  and  scribble.  Still  looking  for  Ricky’s  Shack  in  the
                intervals. Where are you, Ricky?
                   A young girl, probably in her teens, approaches me. She smiles from a

                distance, too hesitant to come near me. I smile back and continue to write in
                my diary. As I look up, she is still standing there.
                   ‘Hey! What’s your name?’

                   ‘Parvathi,’ she chimes.
                   ‘Why don’t you come here? Sit with me?’

                   ‘Can I?’ she asks. Her innocent eyes look kind and full of aspirations.
                   ‘Hey!  So  my  name  is…’  I  move  my  hand  forward  as  she  interrupts,

                   ‘How do you know?’

                   ‘I follow your music on YouTube. ’

                   ‘I am your fan. Your music reminds me of Elisha.’
                   ‘Who is she?’

                   ‘You don’t know her? She’s one of our best singers. Goans still love her.
                You must listen to her songs.’
                   ‘Where do I download them?’

                   ‘Oh no! She was more like a live performer of original compositions. She
                never  recorded  for  a  music  studio.  Some  recordings  are  available  on  the
                internet, but they’re not very clear. There’s a place called Ricky’s Shack at
                the  end  of  the  beach.  Ricky  has  some  good  recordings  as  he  was  the

                drummer  of  that  band.  However,  he  is  a  psycho  and  you’re  supposed  to
                switch  off  your  phone  before  entering.  So  the  only  way  is  to  spend  an
                evening there,’ she points to the end of the beachline as she talks.
                   ‘Can you do me a favor?’ I ask her.

                   ‘Yes, only if you share an autograph of you,’ she says cheekily.
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