Page 59 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 59

Her voice is as smooth as butter and as sweet as honey. I have always been
                the listen-to-music kind, but tonight I have become the listen-to-words kind.

                   Appreciating someone’s outer beauty without diving deep into their soul
                is like appreciating honey for its golden color and not its sweetness. For me,
                it is sweetness over color, always!
                   While I thought I would never be able to fall in love again, she gives me

                a reason to believe otherwise. Life is strange. Often, falling in and out of
                love happens simultaneously, with different people though.
                   She walks down the stage and wishes me luck. I find myself still full of

                fright and not even half as confident as she had been out there.
                   As I get onto the stage, the lights on the audience become dim and the
                focus  is  on  me.  While  others  can  now  have  a  perfect  look  at  me,  I  can
                perfectly  see  every  nook  of  Ricky’s.  I  freeze.  I  want  to  speak  but  can’t
                remember a single joke I had prepared. Suddenly, I forget everything and go

                   I think of my first time at Ricky’s. It was raining heavily. I had stepped
                out of my cab only to see that the lane was flooded, so much so that even

                the puddles could not be spotted. I felt that I had to be wary of each step I
                took in this unpredictable circumstance, much like life itself.
                   The  most  prominent  thing  that  my  eyes  instantly  took  to  notice  was  a
                board adorned with small neon lamps all around it that read ‘Ricky’s Beach
                Shack.’ As I had no idea of what to do next, I started taking long strides

                towards that alluring shack without another thought.
                   The rain had not stopped yet. It could precisely be termed as a sudden
                downpour, especially the kind that forces people to stay indoors. Water was

                gushing beneath my feet. The pure white shirt that I had put on some four
                hours ago right before leaving my hostel had turned translucent.
                   My  choice  of  ensemble  reflected  my  sanity,  and  it  was  mid-March,  a
                month  usually  expected  to  bring  with  it  scorching  sunlight.  The  bizarre
                change of weather would definitely have made one question my sanity, as

                my clothes were now dirty as mud and I could claim without a mirror that I
                looked awful.
                   While walking towards the shack I heard lightning and thunder so close

                to my heart that, for a fraction of a second, I thought that my smartphone
                had exploded inside my pocket. The thought did not seem strange to me
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