Page 63 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 63

‘Are you sure? You’re the one who is crying.’

                   ‘Oh! Yes. I used to be a jolly guy. I am a loser now.’
                   ‘Choose carefully what you believe in. Your beliefs can either limit you
                or set you free. You’re only as good as you think you are! You have the
                capacity to make people laugh and cry as an artist. Visit me when you feel
                better. I might have something for you!’


                   ‘Remember, when you know who you are, it really does not matter what
                they label you.’
                   Releasing  my  pain  through  tears  was  like  reaching  an  orgasm.  Only
                better. When I washed my face I felt stronger. It felt like all the negativity

                had been washed off. When I walked out of Ricky’s and decided to breathe
                in the fresh air again, it felt glorious.
                   Soon, Ricky’s became that one place I would go back to every weekend,

                whether  I  was  happy  or  sad.  I  didn’t  realize  when  the  stranger  Ricky
                became Uncle Ricky. He made sure that I performed my jokes in front of
                others. Tonight is my second performance. He wants to hone me into a star
                stand-up comedian. But I don’t know if I will ever be able to live up to his
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