Page 66 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 66

around her. WITH JUST A SMILE. Do you know how long I had to hone my
                skills to be this good. And I am not even good. That bitch.

                   I am scared. I am scared shitless.
                   I lost the only good thing in my life, Tara.

                   I am contemplating leaving my job.
                   I am thinking of moving.

                   I am most probably depressed.
                   And  somehow  that’s  not  even  the  worst  thing  in  my  life  currently.  He
                laughs nervously.

                   The worst thing is, I don’t know how to date. Like , not anymore. I never

                   We  met,  we  were  friends  and  became  lovers.  Lover.  What  a  fucking
                cheesy word, lovers.
                   It should be losers. He laughs hysterically.

                   That’s my time folks.

                   I snatch the mic from Aarav as I walk up the stage. In a most disgusting
                tone I ask him to get lost. Sometimes it gets on my nerves how he is not
                able to be on stage without mentioning Tara.
                   I don’t want him to cry over her for years like I did for Elisha.

                   I  clear  my  throat  and  address  a  silent  audience:  ‘The  best  part  of  me,
                which at least I adore the most, is that I was willing to adapt and learn. My
                encounters with people, all through my life, were my best teachers. I do not
                believe  in  the  conservative  education  protocols.  I  believed  that  learning

                comes  from  doing  and  the  rest  from  gathering  wisdom  gained  by  others
                through their own personal experiences through their lives. What was the
                biggest failure of my life two years back doesn’t matter anymore. Neither
                do any of those achievements. Just believe in time. It cures the largest of
                wounds. You can take back something positive from even the most negative
                experiences or crib even while experiencing the most amazing things. Life
                is how you look at it and how you make it. There’s no absolute. Play the

                goddamn music.’
                   I get off the stage, walk up to Aarav and snap, ‘Don’t want to see you
                here again!’
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