Page 76 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 76
‘I don’t want a guy to look at me as an object of lust. I want the same
feelings of trust, care, and security from a guy that he holds for his sister or
mom. Is that too much to ask for? Most guys I met misconstrued my search
for love as a search for lust. I don’t want that! How about you?’
‘I haven’t dated anyone. I’m single.’
‘Hard to believe that as you’re from Prague. May I ask why?’
‘I am close to my guitar. People often fail to meet your expectations.
Unfulfilled expectations lead to unfulfilled relationships. One such
relationship was that of my parents.’
‘You might find love in Goa then!’ she winks.
‘The ocean is the man of my dreams, I surrender myself to his depth, he
lets me loose at the seams. I indulge in this endless play, until the sun calls
it a day,’ I compose and sing these lines in the moment.
‘Looks like the singer is at work!’
‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’
We spend the next 2-3 hours chatting away about everything from
beaches to travel to life to career to dreams. We bid goodbye to each other
with a promise of meeting again the next morning.
No amount of words can ever express the bond that is friendship. After
telling my secret to her, I am already feeling better. Friendship is the best
I don’t have a dream home. I never had a clear picture of what it looks
like. It could be in a village by the farms, or by the ocean, or in the embrace
of green blue hills, or simply in the suburbs of some city. It just doesn’t
matter. But I do have a clear picture of what my dream home looks like. It
has to be a place where everyone loves each other, moreover, accepts each
other for the way they are, allows each other to be the free-spirited souls
they are, rather than constraining them in the shackles of society, where
they are free from prejudice, command, and bigotry. Where the only
‘wrong’ is to not love each other and the only ‘right’ is to be one’s true self.
No lies. No fear. Absolutely no quarrels. If we are all made up of stardust,
the universe is our home and confining our beliefs to a society is often