Page 78 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 78

I wake up to a notification of 10 rupees being split on Splitwise . My flat-
                mate Jeswant is a crazy asshole. He was once orgasming in public over a
                phone call to satisfy his stupid girlfriend who wouldn’t stop demanding that

                he  does  that  immediately.  That’s  the  level  of  crazy  we’re  talking  about.
                What’s more? He’s a miser too! While I have so many reasons to move to
                Goa, getting out of this rat-hole is a primary one.
                   ‘All the best!’ Uncle Ricky calls me up at 8 AM in the morning.

                   ‘Thank you!’
                   ‘I am sure you will rock.’

                   ‘I feel so too!’
                   ‘Are you not upset about coming to Ricky’s tonight?’

                   ‘I am more upset about not seeing Alara.’

                   ‘I’m glad you’re taking interest. They say only a new girl can make you
                forget the old one.’
                   ‘Why could you not move on then? You’ve been dating so  many new

                   ‘Elisha was not like a movie with a defined beginning and end. She was
                more like her songs which can be experienced by each one in a different
                way, going back to a different time in their lives. I couldn’t find another like
                her,’ says Uncle Ricky, the helpless romantic.

                   ‘I have work,’ I hang up on him.
                   Alara feels like my Elisha! The other day, Alara told me to write about

                almost anything that I feel. I used to do it earlier as well, but now I am
                much  more  sincere.  I  don’t  want  to  let  anyone  down  during  my  next
                   I scribble in my diary:

                   Dear future me,
                   You were their shadow until the day
                   You looked into the window
                   And discovered the warrior within.

                   I book an Uber Pool to office. Though Saturdays are usually off for me,

                we have an important client deal to close today. If everything works fine,
                Akshaye’s  temperament  and  my  monthly  bonus  will  be  sorted.  Papa’s
                retirement is due and I will be able to throw a lavish party. My relatives
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