Page 147 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 147

experiment, by testing it rather than trusting all the books, I found my work. You

               have  to  have  fire  to  start  a  fire.  Only  a  match,  only  a  flame,  can  start  a
               motivational fire.

               103. Catch life by the handle

                    When  I  created  an  audio  series  called  MINDSHIFT  I  wanted  to  say  that
               sometimes the shift of one’s mind can be so simple that it can ride in for you
               while you’re closing your eyes and taking a breath. All of a sudden you’re not

               stuck  to  all  these  things  you’re  believing  about  the  world  and  the  negative
               imaginary future that people dwell on all day. All day long, people are obsessed
               with their negative imaginary futures.

                    And one of the many ways to shift back into the creative mode is to take a
               walk by the ocean. And the ocean can be anything. It can be a beautiful house
               plant in my apartment. It can be a wonderful picture on the wall. Take that in
               fully, completely, and let it ride in on some deep breaths and close your eyes and
               all those thoughts that held you captive can go away. Whether you’re picturing it
               or  you’re  at  the  actual  ocean  taking  a  walk  and  just  taking  in  the  view
               completely,  really  being  present  with  it  and  having  it  be  the  only  thing  and
               breathing it in and listening to the sounds, listening to the waves and being there
               because that breaks the pattern, it breaks the hold that these negative beliefs have

               on you and it releases that creepy feeling that negative beliefs are the truth about
               life, which, of course, they’re not. They’re just negative beliefs. So, when I slow
               down, I get out of my negative imaginary future. I stop racing ahead into the
               future  in  my  mind  and  I  bring  myself  back  to  a  relaxed,  present-moment  big

                    There’s this old story of the shoe salesman who goes to a distant country,
               arrives there and sees that no one there wears shoes and he says, “Oh, no. I’m
               not  going  to  make  any  sales  on  this  trip.  No  one  here  wears  shoes.”  Another
               salesman goes to the same country and he sees that no one wears shoes and he
               says, “Oh, boy. I’m going to have a field day here, nobody has shoes yet!”

                    You  can  catch  life  by  the  handle  or  by  the  blade.  When  you  are  in  your
               future you will always be catching it by the blade. Someone throws you a knife.
               You catch it. The second shoe salesperson is the person who caught the knife by
               the handle. And the first guy caught the knife by the blade.
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