Page 148 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 148

The  more  you  can  slow  down,  life  slows  down.  That  knife  that’s  headed

               toward you slows down, and it is easier to catch it by the handle.

                    And  the  more  you  race  out  ahead  into  your  own  future,  your  negative
               imaginary future, which people obsess about, the faster you’re trying to solve
               problems that don’t exist and that has you continuously catching the knife by the
               blade, in other words, seeing nothing but bad news and putting all news into the
               filter of bad news. Oh, no, the economy is bad therefore I’m not going to make
               any money. Well, really, a lot of people made their money by knowing what to
               do during the Depression, knowing that there were new services that needed to
               be  provided  and  new  things  that  needed  to  be  done.  They  didn’t  just
               automatically quit.

               104. Leave yourself messages

                    I  have  certain  messages,  quotations,  sayings  that  I  read  in  the  morning.
               There is one that I always read no matter what, and I will never move this one
               out  of  the  line-up:  “He  who  is  not  every  day  conquering  some  fear  has  not
               learned the secret of life.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

                    Our  usual  system  is  to  not  only  avoid  what  we  fear,  but  also  to  avoid
               knowing that we are avoiding things. We don’t know why we have this vague
               feeling of danger and insecurity. We just know it’s there.

                    Every day I practice this avoidance, I become weaker and more cowardly. I
               get scared more easily, sometimes by the smallest things—the phone ringing, an
               e-mail from a creditor. Courage and strength do not remain in place. The same is
               true with my soul and spirit. Each day I skip Emerson’s advice to face a small or
               large fear, it’s like my arm not lifting a small or large weight. Weakness creeps
               in. Therefore I use the quote as a message across time from Emerson to me. I see
               it in the morning because I have put it there as a way to motivate myself. And it


                    Here is another one (another motivational message!) that I have up on my
               bookcase, and I make sure I let it sink in at least once a week:

                    It is important that you get clear for yourself that your only access to
                    impacting life is action. The world does not care what you intend, how
                    committed you are, how you feel or what you think, and certainly it
                    has no interest in what you want and don’t want. Take a look at life as
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