Page 6 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 6


               To Lindsay Brady, for the ongoing perception of success; to Stephanie Chandler,
               for  tirelessly  working  the  cosmos;  to  Kathy,  for  more  than  I  can  say;  to  Jim
               Brannigan, for the representation; to Fred Knipe, for the music on New Year’s
               Eve; to Ron Fry, for Career Press; to Nathaniel Branden, for the psychology; to

               Colin  Wilson,  for  the  philosophy;  to  Arnold  Schwarzenegger,  for  a  day  to
               remember;  to  Rett  Nichols,  for  the  tension  plan;  to  Graham  Walsh,  for  the
               Tavern on the Green; to Terry Hill, for the century’s first real mystery novel; to
               Cindy Chandler, for the salvation; to Ed and Jeanne, for the Wrigley Mansion; to
               John Shade, for the fire; to Scott Richardson, for the ideas; to Ann Coulter, for
               the  wake-up  calls;  to  Steven  Forbes  Hardison,  for  coaching  and  friendship
               beyond  the  earthly  norm;  and  to  Dr.  Deepak  Chopra,  for  unconcealing  the
               creative intelligence that holds us all together.
                    And to the memory of Art Hill: without whom, no life, no nothin’.
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