Page 8 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 8

28. Try interactive listening

                  29. Embrace your willpower
                  30. Perform your little rituals
                  31. Find a place to come from
                  32. Be your own disciple
                  33. Turn into a word processor
                  34. Program your biocomputer
                  35. Open your present
                  36. Be a good detective
                  37. Make a relation-shift
                  38. Learn to come from behind
                  39. Come to your own rescue
                  40. Find your soul purpose
                  41. Get up on the right side
                  42. Let your whole brain play
                  43. Get your stars out
                  44. Just make everything up

                  45. Put on your game face
                  46. Discover active relaxation
                  47. Make today a masterpiece
                  48. Enjoy all your problems
                  49. Remind your mind
                  50. Get down and get small
                  51. Advertise to yourself
                  52. Think outside the box
                  53. Keep thinking, keep thinking
                  54. Put on a good debate
                  55. Make trouble work for you
                  56. Storm your own brain
                  57. Keep changing your voice

                  58. Embrace the new frontier
                  59. Upgrade your old habits
                  60. Paint your masterpiece today
                  61. Swim laps underwater
                  62. Bring on a good coach
                  63. Try to sell your home
                  64. Get your soul to talk
                  65. Promise the moon
                  66. Make somebody’s day
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