Page 13 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 13

1. Get on your deathbed

                    A  number  of  years  ago  when  I  was  working  with  psychotherapist  Devers
               Branden, she put me through her “deathbed” exercise.

                    I was asked to clearly imagine myself lying on my own deathbed, and to
               fully realize the feelings connected with dying and saying good-bye. Then she
               asked me to mentally invite the people in my life who were important to me to
               visit my bedside, one at a time. As I visualized each friend and relative coming

               in to visit me, I had to speak to them out loud. I had to say to them what I wanted
               them to know as I was dying.

                    As  I  spoke  to  each  person,  I  could  feel  my  voice  breaking.  Somehow  I
               couldn’t help breaking down. My eyes were filled with tears. I experienced such
               a sense of loss. It was not my own life I was mourning; it was the love I was
               losing. To be more exact, it was a communication of love that had never been

                    During this difficult exercise, I really got to see how much I’d left out of my
               life. How many wonderful feelings I had about my children, for example, that
               I’d never explicitly expressed. At the end of the exercise, I was an emotional
               mess. I had rarely cried that hard in my life. But when those emotions cleared, a

               wonderful thing happened. I was clear. I knew what was really important, and
               who really mattered to me. I understood for the first time what George Patton
               meant when he said, “Death can be more exciting than life.”

                    From that day on I vowed not to leave anything to chance. I made up my
               mind  never  to  leave  anything  unsaid.  I  wanted  to  live  as  if  I  might  die  any
               moment. The entire experience altered the way I’ve related to people ever since.
               And the great point of the exercise wasn’t lost on me: We don’t have to wait
               until we’re actually near death to receive these benefits of being mortal. We can
               create the experience anytime we want.

                    A  few  years  later  when  my  mother  lay  dying  in  a  hospital  in  Tucson,  I
               rushed to her side to hold her hand and repeat to her all the love and gratitude I
               felt for who she had been for me. When she finally died, my grieving was very
               intense, but very short. In a matter of days I felt that everything great about my
               mother had entered into me and would live there as a loving spirit forever.
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