Page 16 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 16

The vision can be created right now—better now than later. You can always

               change it if you want, but don’t live a moment longer without one. Watch what
               being hungry to live that vision does to your ability to motivate yourself.

               3. Tell yourself a true lie

                    I remember when my then 12-year-old daughter Margery participated in a
               school poetry reading in which all her classmates had to write a “lie poem” about
               how great they were.

                    They were supposed to make up untruths about themselves that made them
               sound  unbelievably  wonderful.  I  realized  as  I  listened  to  the  poems  that  the
               children  were  doing  an  unintended  version  of  what  Arnold  did  to  clarify  the
               picture of his future. By “lying” to themselves they were creating a vision of
               who they wanted to be.

                    It’s  noteworthy,  too,  that  public  schools  are  so  out  of  touch  with  the
               motivational  sources  of  individual  achievement  and  personal  success  that  in

               order to invite children to express big visions for themselves they have to invite
               the children to “lie.”

                    Most of us are unable to see the truth of who we could be. My daughter’s
               school developed an unintended solution to that difficulty: If it’s hard for you to
               imagine the potential in yourself, then you might want to begin by expressing it
               as a fantasy, as did the children who wrote the poems. Think up some stories
               about who you would like to be. Soon you will begin to create the necessary
               blueprint for stretching your accomplishments. Without a picture of your highest
               self, you can’t live into that self. Fake it ’till you make it. The lie will become
               the truth.

               4. Keep your eyes on the prize

                    Most of us never really focus. We constantly feel a kind of irritating psychic
               chaos  because  we  keep  trying  to  think  of  too  many  things  at  once.  There’s
               always too much up there on the screen.

                    There was an interesting motivational talk on this subject given by former

               Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson to his football players during halftime at
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