Page 12 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 12

It is when you do it. It is not fun when you think about it. Especially when

               you think about it ahead of time.

                    To light a fire you need a fire. Rubbing two sticks together creates enough
               friction and heat to produce a spark and then a flame that you can put into the
               bigger fire.

                    It is the same process for yourself. Getting into action whether you feel like
               action or not is like rubbing two sticks together. Do you think the sticks felt like
               being rubbed together? Do you ever see them do it on their own?

                    Since its first printing in 1996, this little book has enjoyed a success I never
               imagined. During its first 18 years of sales, we have seen the emergence of the
               Internet as the world’s primary source of information. People have not only been
               buying this book on the Internet, but they’ve been posting their reviews. What’s
               wonderful  about  Internet  bookstores  is  that  they  feature  reviews  by  regular
               people, not just professional journalists who need to be witty, cynical, and clever
               to survive.

                    One such reviewer of 100 Ways in its original edition was Bubba Spencer
               from Tennessee. He wrote: “Not a real in-depth book with many complicated
               theories about how to improve your life. Mostly, just good tips to increase your
               motivation. A ‘should read’ if you want to improve any part of your life.”

                    Bubba gave this book five stars, and I am more grateful to him than to any

               professional reviewer. He says I did what I set out to do:

                    “Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated
               simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.”

                    —Charles Mingus, legendary jazz musician
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