Page 2 - Hello Proposal of Experiences for AmTrust Corporate Planning Meeting v3
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Executive Summary

        This executive summary is intended to outline our thinking behind the attached proposal
        and how we plan to address your goals, priorities and interests as shared in your request.

        Our Understanding
        Amtrust  International  is  hosting  their  2024  Corporate  Planning  Meeting  in  Chicago  this
        year  at  the  JW  Marriott  for  200-275  attendees  on  Monday,  June  24  –  Wednesday  June  26.    The  last  time  the
        international group of  mid-level and senior level executives from around the globe met was  June of  2022 in the
        Bahamas. The AmTrust Financial theme this year is “AmTrust 360” with the number 360 surrounded by a circle on
        a blue background.  AmTrust wants to support all of your holistic needs while considering mind and body wellness.
        The ideas should be fun, casual and elevated but not stuffy.

        Information for the following services were requested.
            •   VIP Arrivals and Departures with flexibility to change and cancel if able..
            •   Welcome Reception Décor & Entertainment
            •   Awards Breakfast Décor
            •   Décor should have Multi Day functionality at the hotel.
            •   Afternoon Tours & Activities
            •   Teambuilding to include donations to the Michael J Fox Foundation
            •   Round Trip Transportation to/from Theatre On The Lake
            •   Décor & Entertainment at Theatre On the Lake

        Overview of our Recommendation
        The following pages have solutions for the unique touches Chicago Entertainment & Décor.  Based on your feedback
        and budget wishes we will continue to customize your program.

        The Tours & Activities were handpicked with your group and information in mind. We have the option of buying out
        an Architecture boat for 250.  We will need to reach out to all boat companies to find one that meets your timing
        needs. Unfortunately, the Art Institute and local Lincoln Park Conservatory are currently closed on Tuesdays  and
        were not included.  We will work with your team to understand which tours are most desirable and  customize as

        Next Steps
        This document is presented as a foundation for discussion. We encourage your comments and questions and will
        work with you to create a program concept that fully satisfies your desired outcomes, hopefully making Hello! your
        partner of choice.

        We look forward to hearing your decision next week and hopefully partnering with you on a successful summer
        event in our city.

        Jessica R. Murphy
        Senior Account Executive

        Hello! Destination Management confidentiality request & payment policy
        Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our creative concepts with you. Please keep in mind that our ideas, designs,  structure, and
        other services are unique. We ask you to consider these materials confidential and kindly ask that you do not allow  them to be copied  or
        distributed without the express written permission of Hello! Destination Management.

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