Page 30 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 30

Portland Pozzolana Cement

        PPC is obtained by mixing OPC with suitable Pozzolans at a certain temperature. Pozzolans are

        materials that are said to show similar properties as that of cement when they comes in contact
        with water.

        Quick Setting Cement

        This cement sets quickly. Its final setting time is less than half an hour. It contains higher percent-
        age of C3A and C4AF, which hydrates quickly. Very less quantity of gypsum is added into it. This
        cement is used for concreting works under running water.

        Rapid Hardening Cement

        It gets hardened at a very rapid pace. Apart from rapid hardening it also develops high strength at

        an early stage than OPC. Used in pre-fabricated concrete construction works or at places where
        formwork has to be removed for reuse at fast rate or sometimes in road repair works too.

        Sulphate Resisting Cement

        OPC is vulnerable to the attack of sulphates. This cement resist easily to sulphate attacks. It is
        use in concreting done in marine conditions or in concrete foundation beneath which soil contains

        sulphate‘s  compounds or sometimes in sewage treatment works too.
        Portland Slag Cement

        This type of cement is manufactured by mixing Portland cement and Ground Granulated Blast

        Slag in suitable proportions. The resultant cement is more resistant to chemical attacks. It is thus
        generally used in water retaining structures or where structure is vulnerable to any form of chemi-
        cal attack.

        Super Sulphated Cement

        This  cement  is  like  sulphate  resistance  cement  but  with  higher  percentage of granulated slag,

        higher sulphate resistance and fineness higher than that of OPC.

        Low Heat Cement
        It has low heat of hydration. High Heat of hydration is responsible for building cracks in the struc-

        ture. Thus it finds its use in massive construction work.

        Coloured Cement
        It is white but can be turned to any colour by adding suitable coloured pigments in OPC or PPC. It

        is manufactured from limestone that is available only near Jodhpur in India. It is use to aestheti-
        cally enhance the structure appearance and finish.

        Hydrophobic Cement

        It is manufactured by grinding together OPC clinker with substances such as oleic acid or stearic

        acid that are famous for their film forming nature. It reduces the rate of deterioration of cement

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