Page 32 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 32

  Through handful of cement in a bucket of water it should float before it sinks.

         Cement Mortar

         Mortar is a workable paste used to bind construction bricks/blocks together and fill the gaps be-
         tween them. Mortar becomes hard when it sets, resulting in a rigid aggregate structure. Modern

         mortars are typically made from a mixture of sand, a binder such as cement or lime, and water.

         Properties of Cement Mortar

         (Cement+ Fine Aggregates+ Water):

         1.  When water is added to initiate dry mixtures of cement and sand, hydration of cement starts

            and it will binds sand particles as well as the surrounding surfaces of masonry and concrete.

         2.  The proportion of cement and sand will decide the strength of mortar.

         3.  A richer mix than 1:3 proportion is prone to shrinkage.

         4.  Solid surface are provided by well-proportioned mortar.

         5.  A leaner mix is not able of closing the voids in sand.

         Properties of cement concrete

         (Cement+ Course Aggregates+ Fine Aggregates+ Water):

         Properties of cement concrete are: - concrete has high  compressive  strength  but  lower  ten-
         sile strength and it is usually reinforced with materials that are strong in tension. Every concrete

         structure will crack to some extent, because of its shrinkage and tension.

         Cement Bags & Its Storage at sites

         Importance of proper storage of cement

         The  binding  property  and  strength  of  cement  depend  upon  its  capacity  for  chemical  reaction,

         which can take place in the presence of water. Cement if not stored properly can absorb moisture

         from the atmospheric air or any other source and react with it chemically. The strength of such
         type of cement when used would be adversely affected to the extent such reaction would have
         taken place.

         For prevention of cement against deterioration and retaining its freshness its storage should be
         such that no dampness or moisture is allowed to reach cement either from the ground, walls or
         from  the  environment.  This  becomes  particularly  important  during  the  humid  season  and  in

         coastal regions when atmospheric air contains higher amount of moisture in it.

         Cement Godown at Site

         In most construction projects godowns are constructed at site for storage of a few days require-

         Participant Handbook : Masonry                                                                       32
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