Page 218 - September 2016
P. 218
Color THAT runs
In less than 20 years, Dan and Kaye Jones have left their mark on the Paint racing industry
by Jessica Hein, Paint Horse Journal
Bit by the racing bug more than 30 years ago, it didn’t take long for Dan and Kaye Jones of Kemp, Texas, to de- velop a love of color racing down the track—and a love
of Paint Horses in particular. The couple has been swept up in a whirlwind of Paint racing success during their 20 years of APHA involvement, from their first stakes winner Treasured Brew to their homebred to- biano stallion CRM Livewire, two-time APHA World Cham- pion Running Paint Horse and winner of APHA’s inaugural Masterpiece Challenge.
Both members of APHA’s Racing Committee, Dan and Kaye know the industry inside and out as owners, breeders, and racing enthusiasts. APHA caught up with Dan and Kaye to learn more about the couple and why they love fast, flashy Paints.
Dan & Kaye Jones at the 2016 APHA Awards Banquet
216 SPEEDHORSE, September 2016
APHA: How long have you been involved in the racing industry?
Dan & Kaye: A long time—33 years. Shortly before we got married, we bought two Quarter Horses: Fanny Fuel (Oklahoma Fuel-Winners Doll) and Gracie Vittoro, a Johnnie Vittoro mare. We ran them at a few brush tracks in Texas and Oklahoma and got the fever! As Dan says, ‘If you are going to be a bear, be a grizzly,’ so in 1984, we bought 13 Appaloosas, thanks to No Name Ranch in
Wynnewood, Oklahoma. It was sort of bap- tism by fire; we got involved in the Appaloosa Horse Club by being on the racing board of directors. Lex Smurthwaite and Darrell Dodds recognized two energetic rookies and talked them into managing the Texas Appaloosa Futurity and Derby for quite a few years.
APHA: When did Paints enter your life?
Dan & Kaye: At a color breed meeting in Ardmore, Oklahoma, we met Dr. Chuck
paint horse bulletin