Page 166 - April 2017
P. 166
La Escuincle (7) literalmente “tacleó” a Bugs 21 (6) y este a su vez a Lady Proforma (5), que por su lado izquierdo también recibió la pre- sión de Espejo Scaramanga, quedando encer- rada. Mientras tanto, SF Shake A Mystery (3), atendiendo el mando con el fuete de su jockey, David García, derivó hacia el centro de la pista, estando a punto de interferir a alguno de sus rivales. Así avanzó con decisión hasta cruzar la meta con 1⁄2 largo delante
de Sea Chico (9), para llevar a su récord la segunda victoria y primer clásico en 6 salidas. Su tiempo de recorrido fue de 17.73 segundos, para un SI de 84.
Al final de la carrera, hubo varias protestas que culminaron solamente en la descalificación de Espejo Scaramanga del octavo al noveno lugar, por la infracción ya descrita.
El potro retinto de tres años es crianza de Héctor Roldán Arreola, propietario del Rancho Santa Fe, en cuyas instalaciones recibe su entrenamiento. Ahí mismo viven el semental Mr Queens Mystery y la yegua SF Snow Shake (por This Snow Royal), de cuya cruza nació
el hoy ganador. Aunque es propiedad de Jorge Jiménez, participa a nombre del ya mencionado Rancho Santa Fe.
La recompensa a su esfuerzo fue de $286,501 pesos ($14,472 US aproximada- mente), siendo hasta ahora el principal aporte a su cifra de ganancias en su aun breve trayectoria.
SF Shake A Mystery approaches the finish line at 350 yards.
En la segunda posición se colocó Sea Chico (Sea Horse Corona – Speednchico), bien arrendado por Moisés González García, para la Cuadra San Antonio AJH y el entrenador José Ravel Baltazar Aguilar.
El tercer lugar lo ocupó One Rabbit (Rabbits Rainbow – Woodys Wild One), con su timonel Paul Osvaldo Rodríguez. Es propiedad de Orozco Racing y fue ensillado por Pedro Ríos Torres.
Los demás participantes, todos de crianza mexicana al igual que los ya mencionados, ocuparon las posiciones siguientes al paso por la línea de meta: Lady Proforma (Sambaso Dancer – Proforma); La Escuincle (Natovas Prince – Pascola); Pescado Jr (Separatist Jr
– Fishers Guitar); Long Two (Long Gone – Bellota Gone); Bugs 21 (Rabbits Rainbow – La Mona Liza); y Espejo Scaramanga (Fly Jess Fly – Extraordinaress).
The time of the winner was :19.54 seconds for a speed index of 95 thanks to rider Alejandro Gómez.
A daughter of Pool out of the Apollo TB mare Moon Cash, it was the fourth win
in 12 races for Puddles Cash. Always under the ownership of Cuadra H.MD., Puddles Cash won her “maiden” on May 3, 2015, in a 300-yard race. Her next commitments in that year and in 2016 were open stakes, but she was disqualified on multiple occasions for different reasons. In October 2016, she won an allowance, reappearing in 2017 with a second place in the Inaugural Clasico under the guidance of Alejandro Gómez, the same rider who now took her to the winner’s circle in the AQHA Merial Mexico Distaff Challenge.
AQHA Merial Mexico Distaff Challenge
by Luis Prieto Zamudio, translation by Eduardo Silveyra
Leaving behind the phantom of disqualifica- tions, the sorrel filly Puddles Cash finally managed to win her first stakes, the prestigious
AQHA Merial Mexico Distaff Challenge,
at the front of a competitive group of nine three-year-old and older fillies and mares in the first race of the AQHA Challenge Program of the current season. The race had a purse of $411,564 pesos (approximately U.S. $20,890) and was disputed on Feb. 26 at 400 yards.
On this occasion, the race was named after former Quarter Horse trainer Janet VanBebber, who was present at the Hipodromo de Las Americas and who led the winner’s award, along with other directors of the American Quarter Horse Association.
The race was highlighted by the presence
of multiple stakes-winner Volcoms Heart (#4), winner of this race in 2015 and with the highest number of earnings in the group. However, she
was second favorite in the bet-
ting window being displaced
from first by the sorrel Puddles
Cash (#8). Restless inside her
starting box, Volcoms Heart
started late and her first moves
were hindered on both sides
by Heavenly Rain (#3) and Catalinas Girl (#5), and she was left at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, Puddles Cash had an excellent start with a wide and open avenue to move freely as she raced down the right side of the sandy track.
On the opposite side, the battle was between Lonely In Front BR (#2) and The Ivory Letter (#6), to which Volcoms Heart joined in the final yards. However, none of these hard-hitting runners developed enough speed to overtake the powerful Puddles Cash, who crossed first 1 1/2-lengths in front of The Ivory Letter, leaving Lonely In Front BR in third.
164 SPEEDHORSE, April 2017
Hipodromo de las Americas $20,890 400 yards :19.54 si 95
Apollo TB
Apollo Moon Cash
Lots Of Dash
Miguel A. Espinoza, Hipodromo de las Americas