Page 148 - 2017 Stallion Register
P. 148
2011, Sorrel Stallion
(CD Olena-Seca Rey Lena, Dual Rey)
Half-brother to METALLIC LITTLE CAT (2016, NCHA, $143,404), etc.
Out of SECA REY LENA (NCHA, $45,742),
by The 1st AQHA Leading NCHA Freshman Sire DUAL REY (NCHA $105,038)!
By NCHA Horse of the Year CD OLENA (NCHA, $170,706), Winner of the NCHA Futurity & Derby! Sire of Performance Money Earners of $16 Million!
“SECA” is currently competing.
Like him on Facebook for updates on his performance!
2017 Introductory Fee: $1,000
($500 if booked prior to December 1st, 2016) Considerations to Proven Mares
ZYR, 2013, Sorrel Stallion
(Stoli-Jess Brimmin To Go, Brimmerton)
By 2-Time AQHA Champion & AQHA World Champion Sire STOLI si 99 ($332,237), Sire of $15.5 Million including...
AQHA’s 2nd All-time leading money earner
STOLIS WINNER si 112 ($2,235,161)
FRENCHMANS FUTURE ($188,776), Champion BRN4D Classic Equine 1D Futurity, Reserve Champion LG Pro Classic Slot Race, Reserve Champion BFA World Championship 1D Futurity, etc.
Half-brother to G2 Heritage Place Finalist WOLFGANG JAMES si 102 ($35,167), etc.
Out of a half-sister to The August Heat si 93 ($424,996), etc. Sired by AQHA Champion & All American Derby-G1 Winner BRIMMERTON
si 104 ($519,538), Sire of Over $5.5 Million!
2017 Introductory Fee: $1,000
($500 if booked prior to December 1st, 2016) Considerations to Proven Mares
Guthrie, Oklahoma 405-397-2098