Page 150 - 2017 Stallion Register
P. 150

                                    si 98, $19,013, 15.2 Hands
(Corona Cartel si 97-Brenda Feature si 94, Truckle Feature si 113)
Central Hi-Point Aged Stallion!
Sire of 100% Money Earners & Multiple Stakes Sire From His First Three Crops To Race, including Stakes Winner WRS BIG TOM (2016, $44,154), Stakes Placed Harleydonegone (2016, $39,374), Wilena Featured (2016, $32,573), Feature Me Leading (2016, $21,933), Feature Dance (2016, $15,400), etc.
Half brother to Champion Sire FEATURE MR JESS si 101 ($539,327), etc.
Out of An All-Time Leading
Dam of ROM who is by World Champion
                  LA JOLLAS GOLD
(Streakin La Jolla si 99-Pockatus Gold si 98, Rocket Wrangler si 97)
Multiple AAA Stakes Sire! Sire of Multiple
Barrel Racing Champions!
2017 Fee: $1,000 Limited Frozen Semen Only
Eligibilities: Speedhorse Races, Iowa Double Gold, QHRAI, FQHRA, MQHRA.
949 Mill Creek Church Road Silex,MO 63377
(573) 485-6700 • Cell (636) 262-8572
si 113 ($164,565)
2017 Fee: $1,000 With Considerations Cooled Semen Available

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