Page 149 - 2017 Stallion Register
P. 149

                                   4-Time Stakes Winner California Hi-Point Aged Stallion
( Jazzing Hi-Pro Bono, Summum Bonum)
si 102, $316,124
     Fee: Private Treaty
Cooled & Frozen Semen Available
Now Standing in Canada!
A World Champion Sire!
A Multi-Millionaire Sire of Nearly $5.5 Million, with Average Earnings of Nearly $22,000 Per Starter Including...
World Champion/2-Time Champion BE A BONO si 104 ($1,313,347), Canadian Paint Champion PAINT ME A BONO APHA si 103 ($44,551), TEN OCLOCK SCHOLAR si 99 ($412,527), JAZZ BE FIRST si 106 ($186,543, Ntr), DILLER A DOLLAR si 109 ($154,905), etc.
• By a Champion Runner/Champion Sire JAZZING HI si 111 ($317,916). From A Female Family with Major Champion Connections!
1st - 5th Dams are all Stakes Runner &/or Stakes Producers!
• Outofa100%Winner/ROMProducer.
• 2nddamisRareCloversi93($28,040),1/2-sistertoChampion
JET VIEW si 104 ($328,627), Rare Jet si 109 ($122,020), to the dam of
Champion ELLIPTICAL si 99 ($333,807), to the grandam of Please contact us for details regarding Champion POWER TRAIN si 101 ($226,437), etc.
his 2017 breeding season! Doug Allen, DVM • (306) 961-6366 Michael Shoulders • (780) 292-5000
• 3rddamisafullsistertothedamofChampionBLACKSABLEsi104 ($271,592, dam of SABLES DEFENDER si 122, $172,318, Ntr, SABLES SECRET si 101, $155,081), etc.

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