Page 65 - 22 March 2013
P. 65
Ahora regresó el 4 de febrero como tres añal, para dominar fácilmente un grupo muy com- petitivo, con tiempo 17.14 segundos, para un SI de 97; su premio fue de 193,500 pesos ($14,885 U.S). Fue criado en los Estados Unidos, por la sociedad de Evans y Evans y Burnett Ranches.
Teller Im First (Teller Cartel – First Down Runner), se colocó en segundo lugar, haciendo una buena carrera en su debut oficial, con
tiempo de 17.32 segundos. Ha sido una exitosa corredora en parejeras en el sureste mexicano. Corre para la Cuadra San Lázaro de Arara,
es entrenada por Victor Manuel Díaz y fue guiada por José Trinidad Díaz.
El tercer lugar fue para el potro Boketeer (Boknaai – Royal Spring Fling), de la Cuadra Valeria, ensillado por Marco A. Luna, con el jinete P. O. Rodríguez.
Los demás participantes finalizaron en el orden siguiente: Wicked Fun (No Secrets Here – Ima Wicked Chick); Sf Banko Aguerrido (Sf Royal Bank – Aguerrida Candorosa); Swingin Corona (Swingin Jess – Coronita Cartel); Henryways (Holland Henry – Azalways); Parker Ty (Pyc Paint Your Wagon – Royal Native Empress); Maggie Moonpie (Teller Cartel – Steel Magnolias); Miss Snow Cartel (Snowbound TB – Racing Cartel).
On Feb. 6, criminal hands murdered Marco Antonio Luna Salcedo, a Quarter Horse racing trainer at the Hipodromo de las Americas. The scene of the crime occurred
in Mexico City, in what was an attempted robbery as he was leaving a bank. Two bullets were discharged and ended the trainer’s life at 40 years of age.
The news shook the horse racing commu- nity in Mexico. Only two days before, Marco Antonio had saddled and led to triumph Stel Kool in the National Championship Dia del Charro. In 2012, he similarly lead others to victory, such as Allens Cash in the Inaugural and Velocity Classics, Chief Shazoom in
the Handicap Kisses To Yawl, and Maggie Moonpie in the Mexican Futurity.
May this good hard working man, husband, and father, rest in peace.
El 6 de febrero, manos criminales asesinaron a Marco Antonio Luna Salcedo, entrenador
de caballos de carreras Cuarto de Milla en el Hipódromo de las Américas. Los hechos ocur- rieron en la Ciudad de México, en un intento de asalto al salir de una sucursal bancaria. Dos bala- zos bastaron para terminar la existencia de este entrenador, que contaba con 40 años de edad.
La noticia cimbró al mundo de la hípica de carreras de México. Apenas dos días antes, Marco Antonio había ensillado y llevado al triunfo a
Stel Kool, en el Campeonato Nacional Día del Charro. En 2012 hizo lo propio con Allens Cash en los clásicos Inaugural y Velocidad, con Chief Shazoom en el Handicap Kisses To Yawl y con Maggie Moonpie en el Futurity Mexicano.
Descanse en paz este buen hombre de tra- bajo y padre de familia.
Marco Antonio Luna leads Stel Kool to the winners circle. This was Antonio’s last race.
a fracture. The horse did not fall thanks
to the skill of Ismael Parra, who had already reduced his speed.
Sf Border Heart has participated in the circuit of derbies and futurities
for nationally auctioned horses. As two-year old, she was a finalist in the Stallion Futurity (8th) and the Mexican Breeders (6th). In the 2012 sea- son, she ran without success the qualifiers of the respective derbies. In the Select Auction Derby, she qualified with the fastest time but finished 7th in the finals due to an injury.
Her record is set to five firsts, a second and a third in 14 starts. For this particular victory she received 203,206 pesos (U.S. $15,630). She is trained by Hector Angel Roldan Arreola.
Everardo Múzquiz Elgueazábal Classic
The first of the seven new planned classics of 2013 was realized Feb. 17 with the partici- pation of 12 Mexican three-year-old or older horses at a distance of 300 yards. The classic carried the name of a beloved and respected figure in the world of horses in Mexico, Don Everardo Múzquiz Elgueazábal, and had a purse of 352,500 pesos ($27,115 U.S.).
When it seemed that the result was in favor of Corona Lady, a mare bred by Don Everardo, in the last 50 yards she was overtaken by Sf Border Heart, well ridden by the young Juan Jose Soto who on three of her latest starts has taken her to the winner›s circle.
Sf Border Heart (Sf Brave Heart-Border Splash) broke from gate 10 in between La Simple Fiesta Cia and La Jolla First, with the first accompanying her until 100 yards. When the sorrel mare was able to get a feel for track,
however, she advanced and went after the leaders, Corona Lady and her paternal brother Eye Sambaso. She flew past them like a cannon shot and crossed the finish line a length ahead of Corona Lady in a time of :15.12 for a 102 speed index.
With the race being finished,
they moved on with the awards ceremony. On behalf of Rancho Santa Fe, breeder and owner of Sf Border Heart, the brothers Jose Antonio and Sotomayor Fernando Roldán presented the awards. There was also an inquiry, which came to affect Lady Corona, and she was disquali- fied from second to twelfth. I saw a clean race from start to finish.
At about 100 yards after crossing the finish line, This Bug Run This (1), owned by Risky Racing (Jose Antonio Juarez Aranda), suffered
First Down Dash
SF Brave Heart
Shake The Bank
Sovereign Mexicano
Border Splash
SPEEDHORSE, March 22, 2013 63
Miguel A. Espinoza: Hipodromo de las Americas