Page 6 - Kilcock Golf Club - Membership Information_Neat
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H A N D I C A P  I N F O R M A T I O N

              O V E R V I E W                                                        O B T A I N I N G  A  N E W  H A N D I C A P  I N D E X

              Obtaining your Golf Ireland handicap index is very easy and is         COVID-19 Note: Due to the changing nature of safety protocols please
              done in two ways, either by transferring or obtaining a new            check with our pro-shop team for the latest information regarding the
              one.                                                                   signing and returning of cards for handicap index allocation purposes.

              T R A N S F E R R I N G                                                S T E P 1  3 x 18 holes or 6 x 9 hole rounds of Golf must be played in

                                                                                                Kilcock Golf Club. Each hole must be played 3 times. Please
              S T E P   Make  sure  to  provide  the  membership  team  with
                   1                                                                            record  every  stroke  on  every  hole  played.  No  scratches
                        your  old  World  Handicap  System  number  from                        allowed.
                        your previous club

                   2    immediately.                                                            indicate  which  one  you've  played  off  on  the  scorecard.
              S T E P   We will order you a new card for Kilcock Golf Club           S T E P 2  Men  can  play  off  the  white  or  the  green  tees  but  please

                                                                                                Ladies must play off the Red course.
                   3    ILGU Card from your previous club.                           S T E P    Your cards must be marked and signed by a person with a
              S T E P   It  is  imperative  that  you  dispose  your  old  GUI  or

                                                                                          3     Golf Ireland handicap index and their Golf Ireland number

              C H E C K I N G  Y O U R  H A N D I C A P  O N L I N E                            must be displayed on the cards.

                   1    are  a  first  time  user  you  will  need  to  register  by   S T E P 4  If playing for a handicap index during winter rules, placing
              S T E P   Simply visit If you
                        following the instructions on the website.                              only  on  the  fairways  within  6  inches.  No  placing  in  the
                                                                                                rough is permitted.

                   2    have  access  to  your  up  to  date  handicap  and          S T E P 5  We ask that you hold on to all 3 cards and submit them all
              S T E P   Once you have completed the registration, you will

                        playing record.                                                         together.   A  fully  completed  handicap  index  application
                                                                                                form must also be submitted.

                                                                                     S T E P 6  Handicap  Index’s  will  normally  be  issued  within  7  days
                                                                                                provided all documentation is in order.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11