Page 8 - Kilcock Golf Club - Membership Information_Neat
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C O M P E T I T I O N  I N F O R M A T I O N

             C O M P E T I T I O N S  &  F I X T U R E S                                    B O O K I N G  F O R  C O M P E T I T I O N S

             Our  fixtures  are  produced  on  an  annual  basis  by  the                   There are a few simple rules you need to be aware of:
             competition  committee.  You  can  keep  up  to  date  with  all

             fixtures, important dates and results by visiting the golf club                r u l e 1  Casual  booking  for  members  is  available  7  days  a
             website  (  or  the  Masterscoreboard                              week both online and over the phone.

             website (
                                                                                            r u l e 2  Times  for  member  competitions  are  Saturday

                                                                                                       6:30am - 12:00pm and Sundays 6:30am - 3:00pm.

             N O  S H O W S  &  N O N  R E T U R N S                                        r u l e 3  All  our  members  competitions  are  prepaid.  To
                                                                                                       administer this, we use the BRS competition purse
               Here  at  Kilcock,  there  is  a  no  show  policy  in  place  which                    facility.  Members  will  require  sufficient  credit  on
               applies  to  member  competitions  &  a  no  return  (NR)  policy                       their  BRS  competition  purse  in  order  to  book
             which applies to all 18 hole qualifying competitions.                                     competition tee times. Please view our FAQ Page for

                                                                                                       more details.
             A  member  with  persistent  no-shows  will  receive  an  email
             from the competitions committee informing of the relevant
                                                                                            r u l e    Competition booking for Saturday is available 9 days
             sanction. This may be appealed. We ask you to view the full                         4     in  advance  &  for  Sunday  10  days  in  advance  on  a
             details of these policies on the Members Area of the website.
                                                                                                       Thursday at 8:00pm.

                                                                                             r u l e   Don’t worry if you don’t have someone to play with.
                                                                                                       Simply join a time or call the team in the golf shop
                                                                                                       and we will introduce you to someone.

                                                                                                       Please  note  playing  times  and  booking  opening  days  are
                                                                                                       subject to change due to COVID-19 restrictions.
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