Page 10 - Tulfarris Golf Club - 2021 New Member Information
P. 10

C A R E  F O R  T H E  C O U R S E

               R E P A I R  Y O U R  D I V O T S                                              B U N K E R S
               You’ve hit a great drive that finds the center of the fairway. As               Sand bunkers were never meant to be a day at the beach, but
               you get closer to your ball, the promise of an easy approach                    there is no reason to make them any more difficult.
               shot fades as you see it sitting in an unrepaired divot.
                                                                                               Raking our foot prints and any other disturbances we create in
               This unfortunate situation illustrates why it is so important to                the  sand  is  basic  golf  course  etiquette.  Failing  to  do  so  can
               properly  repair  divots.  Repairing  divots  is  a  simple  way  of            create a very difficult shot for someone that plays the course
                                                                                               after you.
               caring for the course that can have immediate and long-term
               benefits for playability.                                                       Also, you should always enter and exit bunkers on the low side
                                                                                               to protect the grass on steep bunker faces and banks.
               Not  only  can  unrepaired  divots  leave  surfaces  bumpy,  they
               also provide an opportunity for weeds to invade. Divots with

               soil still attached can be replaced and will likely survive. After             C O U R S E  M A I N T E N A N C E  T E A M
               you have played your shot make sure to:                                         Golfers  should  always  be  mindful  of  the  maintenance  staff
                                                                                               working  on  the  course.  It  is  a  tough  job  and  without  their
                  •  Retrieve  your  divot  and  replace  it  in  the  ground  the             efforts  the  playing  surfaces  we  enjoy  so  much  simply  would
                     same way it came out (as you would a jigsaw piece). If                    not exist.
                     it’s in multiple pieces, just do the best job you can to
                     make it fit back neatly into place.                                       Sharing the course with the maintenance staff requires some
                                                                                               awareness  on  the  part  of  the  golfer.  Give  them  room  to
                  •  When you have the turf back in place, make sure to                        complete  their  work  and  never  assume  they  know  you  are
                     tap down with your foot!                                                  there or will be able to hear you. We should also never hit at a
                                                                                               green if the flag is pulled or while staff are working there. Be
                  •  Sand boxes provided on Par 3 tees should be used to                       courteous  and  patient,  and  always  make  sure  the  staff  are
                     fill divots if the turf cannot be replaced.                               aware if you are hitting in their direction.
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