Page 11 - Tulfarris Golf Club - 2021 New Member Information
P. 11

H O W  T O  R E P A I R  A  P I T C H M A R K

               D I D  Y O U  K N O W ?
               A pitchmark left unrepaired for 10 minutes or longer takes 15                   Then  push  the  edge  of  the  ball  mark  toward  the  centre,
               days  to  recover,  whereas  a  pitchmark  repaired  within  5                  using your ball mark repair tool in a gentle twisting motion
               minutes completely recovers within 24 hours.
                                                                                               This is where golfers who try to repair ball marks usually
                                                                                               mess up. Many golfers believe the way to fix a ball mark is
               H O W  T O  R E P A I R  A  P I T C H M A R K
                                                                                               to insert the tool at an angle, so the prongs are beneath the
               Take your ball mark repair tool and insert the prongs into the                  center of the crater, and then to use the tool as a lever to
               turf at the edge of the depression. Do NOT insert the prongs                    push the bottom of the ball mark back up even with the
                                                                                               surface. Do not do this!
               into the depression itself, but at the rim of the depression. .

                                                                                               Pushing the bottom of the depression upward only tears the
                                                                                               roots and kills the grass.
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