Page 6 - St. Margaret's Golf & Country Club - Members Welcome Brochure
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H A N D I C A P  I N F O R M A T I O N

               O V E R V I E W                                                                O B T A I N I N G  A  N E W  H A N D I C A P
               Obtaining your Golf Ireland handicap is very easy and is done in two ways,     S T E P 1  3 x 18 holes or 6 x 9 hole rounds of  Golf  must be played in
               either by transferring or obtaining a new handicap.                                       St. Margaret’s Golf  Club. Each hole must be played 3 times.
                                                                                                         Please record every stroke on every hole played. No scratches
               T R A N S F E R R I N G

                   1                                                                                     Red Stone Marker as these are the measured courses (Not the
               S T E P   Transferring a handicap is simply a matter of  informing us of       S T E P 2  Men must play off  the Blue Stone Marker, Ladies from the
                         your previous club. If you did not share your last club with us
                         during the joining process please get in touch with the golf                    moveable Blue and Red Markers)
                   2                                                                          S T E P 3  Your  cards  must  be  marked  and  signed  by  a  person  with  a
               S T E P   team.
                         We’ll  order  you  a  new  Golf  Ireland  card  for  St  Margaret’s             Golf  Ireland handicap and their Golf  Ireland number must
               S T E P   Golf & Country Club immediately.                                                be displayed on the cards.

                                                                                              S T E P 4  If  playing for a handicap during winter rules, placing only on
                         It is imperative that you dispose your old Golf  Ireland from
                         your previous club.                                                             the  fairways  within  6  inches.  No  placing  in  the  rough  is
               C H E C K I N G  Y O U R  H A N D I C A P  O N L I N E                         S T E P    We ask that you hold on to all 3 cards and submit them all
                    1                                                                                    also be submitted.
               S T E P   Simply visit If  you are a                     together.  A fully completed handicap application form must
                         first  time  user  you  will  need  to  register  by  following  the
                         instructions on the website. Please note you will need a 4 digit     S T E P 6  Handicaps will normally be issued within 7 days provided all
                         pin which is available on your Golf Ireland card to register.                   documentation is in order.
               S T E P
                         Once  you  have  completed  the  registration,  you  will  have                 For  any  queries  regarding  handicaps  please  email  the
                         access to your up to date handicap and playing record.                          committee at:
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11