Page 8 - St. Margaret's Golf & Country Club - Members Welcome Brochure
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C O M P E T I T I O N  I N F O R M A T I O N

               C O M P E T I T I O N S  &  F I X T U R E S                                    B O O K I N G  F O R  C O M P E T I T I O N S
               Our  fixtures  are  produced  on  an  annual  basis  by  the  competition       There are a few simple rules you need to be aware of:
               committee. You can keep up to date with all fixtures, important date and
               results by visiting the website                        R U L E    Casual booking for members is available 7 days a week both
                                                                                                         online and over the phone.
               Search St. Margaret’s when you land on the website and enter the default
               password: smmember the first time you login.                                   R U L E    Times for Members Competitions are Saturdays First Light -
                                                                                                         1pm and Sundays First Light - 3pm
               You will then be prompted to select your own password, which you will use
               for subsequent logins.                                                         R U L E    All our members competitions are prepaid. To administer this
                                                                                                         we  use  the  BRS  competition  purse  facility.  Members  will
                                                                                                         require  sufficient  credit  on  their  BRS  competition  purse  in
                N O  S H O W S  &  N O N  R E T U R N S                                                  order to book competition tee times. Please view our FAQ

               Here at St. Margaret’s, there is a No Show Policy in place which applies to               Page for more details.
               Member Competitions & an Non Return (NR) Policy which applies to all
               18 hole qualifying competitions.                                               R U L E 4  Competition  booking  for  Saturday  is  available  9  days  in
                                                                                                         advance & for Sunday 10 days in advance each Thursdays at
               If  a  member  records  one  of  these,  they  will  receive  an  email  from  the        7:15pm.
               Competitions Committee informing of  the relevant sanction. This may be
               appealed. We ask you to view the full details of  the these policies on the    R U L E 5  Don’t worry if  you don’t have someone to play with. Simply
               Members Area of the website.                                                              join  a  time  or  call  the  team  in  the  golf  shop  and  we  will
                                                                                                         introduce you to someone.
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