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Golf Breaks
Killarney Height Hotel
eciding on the annual golf KERRY (KILLARNEY GC name a few. Killarney is also well
Dbreak can be a tough de- + SCOTTS/KILLARNEY known for its nightlife – take a trip
cision. With so many society HEIGHTS) to Killarney in 2020 and you won’t
members to please it can be Killarney is one of most popular be disappointed.
difficult to find options to suit all. tourist destinations in Ireland and
Whether it’s a stay & play pack- has much to offer golfers who
age at a fantastic golf resort such decide to take the trip down
as Castlemartyr Resort in Cork or south. This well-known
the beautiful Heritage Golf Resort destination has some
in Portlaoise, or a town centre of Irelands finest golf
break with a stay at Scotts Hotel courses, including
in Killarney and a round or two at Killarney Golf &
the prestigious Killarney Golf & Fishing Club,
Fishing Club, we have sought out that boasts
the best value golf break deals spectacular
for you and your society. views of the
With an abundance of champion- lakes and
ship links courses, award winning moun-
parklands and world-famous tains. The
hospitality, add this to superb town has
nightlife and cuisines to suit all a number
budgets, hitting the fairway has of hotels to
never been easier. We’ve tried choose from
them all, played the courses, including the
visited the hotels and here are Scotts Hotel
our top society golf break recom- and the Killarney
mendations for 2020. Heights just to Killarney Golf & Fishing Club