Page 145 - MGS 2020 Bible Online
P. 145
Sample Package: 2 Nights
B&B at Scotts Hotel or Killarney Golf Breaks
Heights Hotel & 2 Rounds of Golf
at Killarney Golf & Fishing Club
(Killeen + Mahony’s Point) - From
€210 pps
Athlone is a town in the heart of
the midlands and because of
its location it is a very popular
choice for stay & play packages.
The town is accessible for most Fitzwilton Hotel
societies and is within an hours
drive from Dublin. The Prince
of Wales Hotel is located in the CORK (CASTLEMARTYR + LAOIS (THE HERITAGE GC +
town centre and gives golfers the FOTA ISLAND + CASTLE MIDLANDS PARK HOTEL)
prefect place to lay their heads HOTEL) Portlaois is one of the fastest
after a night out on the town. Narrow streets and laneways developing towns in Ireland
Glasson Lakehosue is located filled with unique pubs, live music which has resulted in the bars
just 10 minutes from the town and great restaurants make and restaurants improving its
centre and is our recommend- up the landscape of Cork after offerings. The majority of the
ed course in the area. Glasson dark. Before dark, golfers have a popular restaurants, bars, pubs
Lakehouse also gives golfers the choice to play a number of park- and nightclubs are on the main
opportunity to stay onsite which land courses such as Castlemar- street which makes it easier to
is an option preferred by some. tyr Golf Club and Fota Island Golf get around. Portlaois is located
Resort. The Castle Hotel, located in the midlands and is less than 1
Sample Package: 1 Night B&B in Macroom is located just over hour from most parts of Ireland.
at The Prince of Wales Hotel & 30 minutes from Cork city centre When staying in Portlaois you
1 Round of Golf at Glasson Golf and gives golfers the option of have the option of staying in the
Club - From €99 pps staying in a quieter town while Midlands Hotel which is located in
still being in touching distance of the town or onsite at The Heritage.
some great golf courses. Once you’ve decided where to
WATERFORD (FAITHLEGG + stay there is only one course you
FITZWILTON HOTEL) Sample Package: 2 Nights B&B should play and that is The Heri-
Waterford is the country’s oldest at the Castle Hotel & 2 Rounds of tage Golf Club - It’s spectacular.
city and is another great choice Golf (Castlemartyr + Fota Island) -
for a stay & play golfing break. From €230 pps. Sample Package: 2 Nights B&B
The Fitzwilton Hotel is ideally at the Midlands Hotel or The
located in the town centre and is Heritage Golf Resort & 2 Rounds
a great place to stay as it’ll keep of Golf at The Heritage Golf Club -
you within walking distance of all From €199 pps.
the bars and restaurants. Faith-
legg Golf Club is our recom-
mended course in the area and is
within a 10 minute drive away.
Sample Package: 1 Night B&B at
the Fitzwilton Hotel & 1 Round of
Golf at Faithlegg Golf Club - From
€99 pps.