Page 83 - The Golf Membership Bible 2021 - Special Edition
P. 83

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                               TOP MEMBERSHIP OFFERS


 GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB  Co. Dublin  GOLF CLUB                                      Co. Dublin

 DESCRIPTION  C ONT A C T  DESCRIPTION                       C ONT A C T

 St. Margaret’s Golf & Country Club is one of Ireland’s   01 8640400  Sutton Golf Club is a club and course the members are   01 8323013
 premier parkland courses. As a former host venue to  happy to claim occupies a unique place in Irish golf.  A
 the Ladies Irish Open, the Seniors Irish Open, and the  bold claim but one which the club is confident in mak-
 Irish PGA Championship the club is steeped in history.   ing. It is also generally acknowledged to be the most
 We offer a wide variety of exciting golf membership   For more information about   famous nine-hole club in Ireland with a reputation that   For more information about
 packages, carefully designed to suit every golfer.   becoming a member at St.   extends all around the golfing world.    becoming a member at Sutton Golf
 Margaret’s Golf & Country Club, visit                       Club, visit the club website.
 the club website.

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 82  mygolfMembership                                                mygolfMembership  83
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88