Page 84 - The Golf Membership Bible 2021 - Special Edition
P. 84

FE ATURED  GOLF  CL UB                          Return to Directory                             FE ATURED  GOLF  CL UB                           Return to Directory
                                                                                                                               TOP MEMBERSHIP OFFERS
                               TOP MEMBERSHIP OFFERS

         SWORDS OPEN                                                                                     ATHENRY

         GOLF CLUB                                                               Co. Dublin              GOLF CLUB                                                               Co. Galway

         DESCRIPTION                                         C ONT A C T                                 DESCRIPTION                                          C ONT A C T

         Swords Open Golf Club is an 18 hole parkland course.    01 8432302                              Athenry Golf Club is a championship parkland golf       091 794466
         The Broadmeadow river flows through the course and           course located at Palmerstown between the towns of
         the naturally occurring water has been well used in the          Athenry & Oranmore. Athenry has been selected by Golf
         design of the course and the provision of strategically                                         Ireland as well as the Professional Golfers Association
         placed water hazards and features. The course is kept   For more information about              (PGA) to host many major competitions over the years   For more information about
         in pristine condition and the significant investment in   becoming a member at Swords           and it is a testament to the quality and challenge of the   becoming a member at Athenry
         drainage means it is playable all year round.        Open Golf Club, visit the club             course that it continues to be sought as a host for ma-  Golf Club, visit the club website.
                                                                                                         jor competitions by the national organisations.
                                                                     LEARN MORE                                                                                       LEARN MORE

         84    mygolfMembership                                                                                                                                      mygolfMembership   85
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89