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SN31 March 2023

                       MVT Updates March 2023–SHINE NEWS 31

                          Mission Ventures Thailand

                      Email: --- web: --- fb: mission ventures thailand

             Following His steps by example for the Great       MVT FOOD RELIEF FOR THE KAREN REFUGEES

                                                             MVT is thankful for God's provision. Since the C19 pandemic,
               Commission in MVT Churches in Thailand
                                                             MVT has been able to provide food relief to more than 2000

                                                             people  from  communities  across  Thailand.  We  were  able  to
    Mission  Ventures  Thailand’s  VISION  for  church  planting   provide food relief to hundreds of Karen Myanmarese families
    throughout Thailand. MVT is committed to planting churches in   who took refuge at the Thai-Myanmar border due to the civil
    areas where there is little or no access to the Gospel of Christ.    war in Myanmar. Praise God! MVT is now providing free meals,
    This process involves evangelism, discipleship and community   care and food relief to a group of Karen Myanmarese children
    building, with the ultimate goal of creating a sustainable, self-  who have been provided with safe refuge.

    reliant community of believers together in their church.

    Throughout Thailand, where Christianity is a minority religion,

    church  planting  can  be  particularly  challenging.  Mission

    Ventures  Thailand  is  committed  to  overcoming  these

    challenges by equipping, supporting local pastors and working     MVT Little Seeds Community Centres

    closely with their communities where the MVT family serve.   Reaching out and connecting with children in their community
    The  GOALS  for  Mission  Ventures  Thailand's  church  planting
    efforts is to establish a strong, vibrant Christian community that       MVT FOUNDATION – LITTLE SEEDS COMMUNITY
    is committed to sharing God’s love and the Gospel message of   MVT  Foundation  has  centres  reaching  out  to  the  needy
    The  Lord  Jesus  Christ  with  others.  MVT  hopes  to  see  lives   children and families in their communities: Dannok, Songkhla,
    transformed and communities changed for the Glory of God!   Southern  Thailand.  Patong  Phuket,  Southern  Thailand  and
                                                             Wapi-Pathum, Maha Sarakkam, North-eastern Thailand.
                                                             Through these ministries, MVT is able to express ‘God’s Love
                                                             with  Care  in  Action!’   often  as  first  contact  to  these  needy
                                                             children  and  families.  By  providing  them  with  free  meals,
                                                             foodstuffs,  free  tuition  and  music  lessons.  Thank  God  for
                                                             opportunities to get alongside and share Bible stories, share the
                     Being a blessing in their community
                                                             gospel and in showing the Jesus’ film.
                   Roi Et Province, North-eastern Thailand

                           MV ROI ET CHURCH

    Thank  God  this  very  young  church  that  was  just  planted  4

    months ago is reaching out actively into their community with

    the love of Christ. Recently, Pastor Banjong, sister Meow and

    team visited 2 schools and 2 kindergartens in Roi Et. Meeting
                                                                      MISSION VENTURES THAILAND FOUNDATION
    and connecting with the teachers and students. Praise God for      “Thank you for your continual support for the MVT ministry.”
    the opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ with them and         email:
    blessing the students with gifts.                        ☐ MV Thailand General Fund   ☐ Little Seeds Community Centre
                                                             ☐ Church Planting & Evangelism  ☐ School Aid for students in need
                                                             ☐ MVT land & church buildings   ☐ Infant needs-milk and nappies

                                                             ☐ MVT church rental        ☐ Food aid for families & children
                                                             ☐ MVT Pastor’s support     ☐ Family life development
                                                             ☐ MVT church van           ☐ Student support
                                                             ☐ MVT musical instruments   ☐ Christmas Outreach Ministries
                                                             ☐ MVT Sports Ministry
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