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SN34 June 2023

                        MVT Updates June 2023–SHINE NEWS 34

                          Mission Ventures Thailand

                  Email: --- web: --- fb: mission ventures thailand
        School Aid for needy students throughout Thailand                      Remember this couple that found the Lord

         MVT CHURCHES PROVIDING SCHOOL AID                                    Sakon Nakhon, North-eastern Thailand

                            MVT  is  grateful  for
                            God's provision. MVT             God's  Healing Power  Revealed!  Prayut suffered  from throat
                            would  like  to  thank           cancer and fell unconscious and was in a coma for 1week last
                            our   partners   for             December 2022. A Christian doctor that was treating him told
                            blessing      needy              his wife he might not wake up anymore and she would need to
                            students with school             make a decision whether to take him off oxygen.  Later, the
    aid as the new school term starts in Thailand.           doctor shared with his wife Kaisorn… ‘There is someone who
                                                             can help her husband and she can pray to Him. His name is
    MVT provides the needy students with uniforms, school bags,
    shoes and stationery.  The students are so grateful and happy   Jesus.’  The wife agreed to pray to Jesus with the doctor as long
    to receive these gifts. Praying every student and their parents   as her husband can wake up from the coma.  The doctor prayed
    will taste Christ's love and receive His salvation through this   with his wife, asking Jesus for help.
    ministry.  Thank  you  to  all  who  continue  to  give  to  this   The doctor then asked Kaisorn the wife, to follow him to see
    important ministry. Hallelujah!                          her husband in the ICU ward. After half an hour, she was so
                                                             surprised to see her husband suddenly wake up! Hallelujah!
    Time of meeting in fellowship with the students & teachers
                                                             Prayut and his wife Kaisorn were both recently baptised.
      NORTH-EASTERN BIBLE SEMINARY, KHON KAEN                Praise the Lord! Prayut is getting better day by the day as he
      This  bible  seminary  just  started                   learns to trust Jesus as the great healer.
      their  new  term  last  month.    They

      have 35 students with half of them

   coming from Laos.  PTL! MVT team

   had the opportunity to visit the

   teachers  and  students,  being

   blessed sharing a meal together.

   MVT  team  also  joined  them                                                  Spending time with the church family

   during their morning chapel time                                               Nong Khai, North-eastern Thailand

   to intercede for Thailand.

                                                                                      MV NONG KHAI CHURCH
                 Fellowship at MV Wapi-Pathum church
                                                             Praise God. The MVT team were able to spend time with Pastor
                 Maha Sarakkam, North-eastern Thailand
                                                             Suphan, his wife Pastor Yui and their son Ra Ti Cha. God is so
                                                             good to lead this family to plant a church in Nong Khai.
    The  MVT  team  visited  MV  Wapi  Pathum  church.  Prayed  for  They are reaching out to the children in the village where the
    Pastor Watcharin and sister Sirikanya his wife.          church is situated. Please pray for the church family as they
                        More baptisms for the glory of God.   reach out in love to share the gospel with the parents as well.
                                                                                Connecting youth with Jesus Christ in
                       Sakon Nakhon, North-eastern Thailand

                                                                                Dannok, Southern Thailand
                                                                                MVT SPORTS MINISTRY, DANNOK
    PTL!  6  people  were

    baptised  at  this  church.                              We thank God for the many opportunities to organise another

    We  pray  that  as  His                                  football tournament for the youth in Dannok. Continue to pray

    disciples,  they  will  grow                             that we will be able to connect more with the youth through

    in their love for Jesus and                              this ministry and reach them for Christ. AMEN!

    walk daily in all His ways.
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