Page 13 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
P. 13

CPN Resident Co-Hosts Local Radio Show - Mom’s the Word by Lisa Crockett
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With five children ranging in age from four to twelve, Castle Pines North resident Maureen Brown has learned a thing or two about parenting.
Now she’s working to teach other moms and dads across the country her homegrown wisdom. Brown is co-host of “Mom’s the Word,” a core-values based radio show on Castle Rock radio, a local internet-radio station.
“My friend and co-host Maura Ridder has three chil- dren and people were always coming to her for advice about their kids,”said Brown. “She was so knowledge- able, people kept telling her to write a book.”
After realizing that she had too many ideas to contain in one book, Ridder had the idea for a radio show and asked Brown to come aboard. The weekly show, which celebrates its first anniversary this month, features lis- tener and host discussion of a “daily dilemma,” as well
as nationally recognized authors and celebrities and a back-to-basics approach to parenting.
“We want to empower parents to take back the art of parenting,” said Brown. “We see a trend toward what I call ‘over parenting.’ As parents, many of us have gained a lot of good knowledge, but we need to remember to instill things like respect, punctuality, chores and cleanliness. The ‘little things’ really aren’t that little.”
Brown thinks that the abundance of parenting infor- mation can prove daunting to many busy parents. “With our show, parents can tune in and get some great advice in an hour, rather than having to read all the books and searching for good sources of information.”
“ M o m ’s t h e W o r d ” i s o n t h e i n t e r n e t a t w w w . c a s t l e r o c k r a - every Wednesday at 10 a.m.
CPNResidentMaureenBrown,right,co-hosts“Mom’sthe Word”aninternet-radioshowonparenting.Brown’sfriend, MauraRidder,left,isthecreatoroftheshow.(photobyTracey McFadden)
New Senior Pastor at Castle Pines Community Church by Lisa Crockett
A Castle Pines North (CPN) church is celebrating an important anniversary. Ten years ago, 35 people met in the CPN Community Center to found Castle Pines Community Church. Now, the congregation has grown to a membership of more than 125, and is looking to the future with the hiring of a new senior pastor.
The Rev. Tom Curtright and his family come to CPN from West Des Moines, Iowa, where he has been serv- ing as the Director of Adult Ministries for eight years at the Valley Evangelical Free church in West Des Moines, Iowa. Previous to holding that post, Curtright served as church planter and senior pastor in Hannibal, Missouri.
Curtright attended Denver Seminary where he received
a Master of Divinity degree. He and his wife Brenda are graduates of the University of Missouri. Tom
and Brenda have three children, Rachel, Samuel and Elizabeth.
“The church has enjoyed ministering in the Castle Pines North Community and as we welcome Tom, BrendaandtheCurtrightchildren,weencourageevery- one to visit Castle Pines Community Church and meet our new Senior Pastor,” said the church’s Executive Pastor, Jack Estep.
Castle Pines Community Church meets at Buffalo Ridge Elementary School and Sunday Worship is at 10:30 a.m. For more information about Castle Pines Community Church, visit
TheRev.TomCurtrightisthenewSeniorPastoratCastlePines CommunityChurch.TheChurchiscelebratingadecadeofservice in the CPN community. (Courtesy Photo)

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