Page 15 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
P. 15
Team Tolson Heads to Ironman Florida by Elean Gersack
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HOA2 resident, David Tolson, will have his family cheering for him as he competes in Ironman Florida on November 1. He will swim 2.4 miles in open Gulf Coast water, bike 112 miles and run a full marathon – 26.2 miles, with hopes of completing the race in 12 to 14 hours. For Tolson and his family, the race has been a long-time coming and has taken on a special meaning.
Four years ago, Tolson was thirty pounds heavier than he is now and was feeling unhealthy. “I needed to do something - I needed a goal and an objective,” said Tolson. On a vacation to Hawaii, he saw the XTERRA World Championship and became intrigued. Shortly thereafter, he registered for the Ironman Wisconsin. A month later, while playing ice hockey, Tolson broke his leg in three places. With multiple surgeries, pins, plates and a long road of rehabilitation, he had to forgo his plans to race in Wisconsin.
A year later, Tolson was finally ready to compete. His first was the XTERRA Mountain Championship in Keystone. To date, he has completed a total of nine triathlons. His mission to compete in the most gruel- ing of all triathlons, The Ironman, will be the finale and highlight of his amazing journey. “For three years, I’ve been challenging myself to make it to this point,” said Tolson.
With his rigorous training schedule – now at eighteen hours per week - the biggest sacrifice for Tolson has been time away from his family.“They [my family] have made the ultimate sacrifice and, for that, I really want to make this one count,” said Tolson.
Tolson’s wife, Kristin, and his entire family have gotten involved – now called, Team Tolson, they will use this opportunity to raise awareness and gain financial sup- port for Brent’s Place in Denver. Brent’s Place is a
TeamTolsonincludesDavid(left)andKristin(right)and theirtwochildren. (photocourtesyoftheTolsonfamily)
clean, safe and comfortable home away from home for children with cancer and their families.
Team Tolson is currently working out a relationship with Janus Charity Challenge whereby if enough funds are raised, a matching dollar amount will be donated. “The struggles these kids face on a day to day basis make the Ironman look silly. The kids there can’t give up – they don’t have a choice,” said Tolson. So, when the competition gets really tough, Tolson will think of those kids and he will not give up either.
Learn more about Tolson’s quest toward Ironman Anyone wishing to offer financial support for Brent’s Place is e n c o u r a g e d t o c o n t a c t K r i s t i n To l s o n a t k t o l s o n @ c a p i t a l - To learn more about Brent’s Place, visit www.
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