Page 14 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
P. 14
Page 14
Fire Station -
(Continued from page 2)
“Itseemsanincrediblewasteofmoneytomovethefirestationa halfamilefromitscurrentlocation. Inaddition,thenoisein theneighborhoodwillincreasebecauseofalltheI-25callsthat the station must respond to.”
“Ithinkmovingthefirestationisafinesolutionthatmeetsthe needsofthemanyanddoesnotimpacttheareainanynegative way...this is a good solution to the problem.”
“CC-20isthewrongareaforthestationrelocation...afiresta- tioninthemiddleofaresidentialdistrictwillcertainlychange the character of the community.”
“I live in Daniel’s Gate. I have called 911 three times since ImovedinandhavebeenHIGHLYdissapointedbyrespone time.Ittookwaytoolong!Thefirefightersandparamedicswho camewereoutstanding,butittookthemtoolongtogethere.I’d liketoseethestationbyCoyoteRidgePark,atHiddenPoint and Monarch intersection.”
“Irememberseveralyearsagobeingtoldthat“ifthebond electionpasses”CPNwouldbegettingasecondfirestationto improveservicestothenorthwesternregionsofourneighbor- hood.Well,itpassedandasecondstationisnow“notjustified”. Pleasedonotexpectsupportofyourbondelectionsinthefuture by those of us with memory of longer than a few years.”
The public hearing on October 15 will be the last opportunity for input on the decision prior to the board making its final decision. Please take the time to become educated on the issue and to attend this important community meeting.
Make sure to complete the nine-question survey and share your opinions about the Fire Authority’s recom- mendations. To obtain a copy of the survey, please e-mail