Page 30 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
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Villa Carriage
Winter is Coming
Winter is on the way, so here is a reminder of the com- munity snow removal procedures. The PineRidge, Lifestyles, and Villa/Carriage boards will coordinate snow removal once it appears the snow is ending and if the snow level is above four inches. The Boards fully understand that due to weather conditions and the nature of the neighborhood that drifting will occur in some areas. We will use our best judgment in deciding when to dispatch snow crews.
We Need You!
The Board wants to encourage interested homeown- ers to become actively involved in community affairs. The Board is always looking for volunteers interested in serving on the Board or the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). One of the prime purposes of the Annual Meeting, other than ratifying the next year’s budget, is to nominate and approve Board members for the next year. Anyone interested in becoming a Board member or ARC representative can contact any member of the current Board or ARC.
Upcoming Villa/Carriage HOA Meetings
The next Villa/Carriage Board meeting will be held on October 14, at 7 p.m., at the Castle Pines North (CPN) offices at 7404 Yorkshire Drive. Homeowners are wel- come! The Annual Meeting will be held November 11, at 7 p.m., at the same location. Villa/Carriage hom- eowners are highly encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting to ratify the 2009 budget and elect new mem- bers to the Board of Directors, among other issues. Homeownerswillreceiveacomprehensivepackagefor review prior to the meeting.
Homeowner Concerns
Just a friendly reminder that homeowners should contact our property manager, Jon White of K.C. & Associates, to report concerns with any exterior build- ing maintenance, landscape, parking, or other com-
munity issues under the Homeowner Association’s purview. He can be reached at 303-933-6279, ext. 108 or Our manager will help to resolve the issue or forward the matter to the Board for deci- sion.
It was a busy summer at HOA1. We made progress on our Xeriscape project on Monarch. It is a lot like sau- sage; the process to get there is not always pretty but the end result is worth the wait. These projects sub- stantially reduce our water needs and there are sources that reimburse us for part of the expense. We have also changed the sidewalk pattern around the tennis court area and fall repairs on other sidewalks are begin- ning this month.
We made good progress on the pool. Substantial por- tions of the mechanical infrastructure were replaced; new chairs and outdoor furniture were purchased; the exterior of the clubhouse was repainted and the remodeling of the kitchen to make it more open and modern is beginning as you read this. The end of the season pool cookout, held on August 29, was very well attended with excellent weather, hot dogs and enter- tainment. We are also underway with fence repainting on our five-year cycle, with the privacy fence along Monarch and the split rail on Yorkshire planned for this fall.
New members have joined the board, Doug Hutchins and Scott Ellison. Both have been great additions and have provided leadership on the pool issues and the new documents project. Your current board and their office and or committee assignment are:
President - Doug Gilbert
Vice President - Eva Mitchell
Architecture Control Committee Chair - Ken Bassett Finance / Audit - Ken Hide
Pool - Doug Hutchins and Scott Ellison
Open Space / Landscaping - Eva Mitchell
New board members (at large) - Jill Allen and April Parcells
WehaveupdatedtheHOA1websitesite–www.cpnhoa1. org. Please see the new site and log in to keep current on association activities, board information (minutes, etc.), and financial information. The HOA1 board meets every third Wednesday at the clubhouse. HOA members are welcome to attend.
North Lynx
Management Company
MSI has changed our Community Manager. From now on David Klaversma will be representing North Lynx. His full contact details will be available shortly. In the meantime please call 720-974-4237, or email your Board(,ifyouhaveanyissues or questions.
Curb your speed
After the recent accident on Serena Drive, we would like to remind ALL residents that the speed limit on this street is 25mph. With the number of young chil- dren who live on that street, PLEASE CURB YOUR SPEED when driving our neighborhood. After a recent meeting the HOA, DCSO, Douglas County Engineering, the City and residents will be working to resolve the speeding issue along this road.
Does everyone understand the difference between CPN and CPN II or HOA 2? From the numerous questions we are often asked, we think not. So here is everything you ever wanted to know: CPN II is the HOA for all of the Village Homes communities except the new community, The Crossings. CPN II includes BristleCone Single family homes, StoneCroft, BriarCliff, Greenbriar, and Winterberry. BrambleRidge and BristleCone Patio homes are also part of CPN II but also have their own individual sub HOA. All of the homeowners in CPN II are also members of the CPN Master Association. SO now you understand it all -- not really. Even once you get involved it takes time to comprehend it -- especially who is in charge of what piece of land when it comes to landscaping or snow removal. As for HOA 2, they are a totally separate HOA from CPN II.
Each of the seven communities has a delegate.
Each delegate is your voice to the CPN II Board of Directors - especially when it comes to accepting or rejecting the budget, which determines your CPN II HOA dues. If your delegate is not at meetings then your wishes are not heard. Get to know your delegate for your community or become one. Don’t know your delegate?Thengotothewebpage,, and click on the tab in the upper left corner that says “My CPN Contact”. With all the changes occurring
in our new city, it is best to stay informed. We urge each of you to get to know your delegate and ask them questions regarding any issues you have.
The best way to stay informed by the CPN Master Association and CPN II is to sign-up to receive email alerts. With today’s economy, most organizations are communicating via email to help keep the dues as low as possible. CPN II sends out a quarterly newslet- ter via email. TMMC, our management company, needs your email address to be able to better contact you as well. Please make sure that the CPN Master Association ( and Michelle, (cpn2- have your email address. Look for information on CPN II events and a CPN II
survey to come your way soon. The annual CPN II Homeowners meeting is October 28, 2008.
Find HOA Information at

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