Page 31 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
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The 2008 summer swim season has closed with a very successfulyear. Ourpoolmanagementcompany,Team Colorado, did a good job providing lifeguards and tak- ing care of all pool issues. We only experienced one unfortunate incident involving an injury to one of our little girls. She is now doing fine.
New Sidewalk
HOA2 has a new sidewalk along the south portion of Monarch Boulevard extending from Shoreham Circle to Oxford Drive. Standard Pacific is funding this new sidewalk, as part of the original sidewalk plans for our community, and will not cost our association anything. A new school crosswalk for the children from both the Shoreham Circle areas and the Oxford Drive areas will be available with this new addition.
For anyone wanting to use the Pavilion this fall, please note that the water for it, as well as the landscape irri- gation, will be shut down for the winter beginning on or about October 15.
Holiday Carriage Rides
HOA2 will again be host to the Castle Pines North (CPN) Master Association’s Holiday Carriage Rides on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, December 1, 2, and 3,andonMonday,Tuesday,andWednesday,December 8, 9, and 10. The rides will be available from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will be a charge and hot chocolate will be available after the ride to take away the evening chill. Look for details via e-mail alerts from the CPN Master Association.
HOA2 will offer two “HOA2 Only” carriage ride nights exclusively for our residents on Thursday, November 30, and on Friday, December 4. Look for details via e-mail soon.
Social Committee Chairperson
Our HOA2 association is still looking for someone to step up and volunteer as the Social Chairperson. We have several people who have volunteered to help this person with the social events but they need a leader. It would be a real shame if we could not have the Children’s Christmas Party this year. This has been a really well attended event in the past and our children like to visit with Santa. Also, we might not be able to host an Adult Party this fall or winter if someone doesn’t take the lead in planning and carrying out the event. Please let us hear from you.
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Don’t See News From Your HOA?
The Castle Pines North HOAs listed on this page have submitted information to The Connection for publication. To share news from a neighborhood HOA in this newspaper, e-mail hoaupdate@ or call 303-482-3078. Every HOA in CPN has the opportunity to publish information in each issue of this newspaper.
Need Information About Your
Neighborhood HOA?
Visit Neighborhood HOA websites for: board member contact infor- mation, HOA documents, pool hours and keys, trash collection and other important HOA news. To  nd an individual neighborhood HOA website, visit and select from the "Neighborhood HOA" tab.
HOA Board Members are encouraged to use the neighborhood HOA websites available at to share important information with homeowners. Submit content updates for the website or The Connection via e- mail to or call 303-482-3078.
BristleCone Patio Homes
There is a lot going on at BristleCone Patio Homes. Our social chairwoman, Shelley Hawthorne, builds good will for us by planning various events for our community. Our monthly happy hours at The Ridge have been a huge success; however, beginning in September, they will again be hosted in various homes. The dates will vary to accommodate the host/hostess so be on the look out for announcements in your email. Shelley also planned a Potluck Dinner held on August 5 for National Night Out where we enjoyed our special guests including the Douglas County Sheriff, Douglas County Firemen, and Douglas County Swat Team members.Everyoneenjoyedthecamaraderieandgood food. She is also working on planning a progressive pool tournament for this winter. Shelley’s commitment is greatly appreciated by all.
Additionally, the BristleCone Book Club meets the third Wednesday of each month and everyone is welcome to join. Call 303-688-4443 for more information. A “MeetYour Landscaper”event was also held on August 28, at which Tony Delphia from Schultz Landscaping discussed our landscaping process and answered ques- tions from the homeowners.
You are strongly encouraged to attend our board meet- ings, as it’s a great way to get to know what is going on in the community. Please plan to be present at the AnnualHomeowners’MeetingonThursday,November 13, at 7 p.m. at the Castle Pines North Community Center. This is your opportunity to review the past year and hear about plans for 2009. We will also be electing one new Board member for a three-year term to begin in January 2009. Anyone interested in running for this positioncansendanemailtomichelle.peck@tmmc-manage- ment.comorcontactherdirectlyat303-985-9623x6311.
At the July HOA Board meeting, a BristleCone Patio Homes’ Communications Committee was formed to foster a greater exchange of information across the community. Its purpose is to ensure all members of thecommunityreceivemeetingandeventnoticesalong with other information of interest from the Board. A letterwasrecentlyhand-deliveredtoeachresidencethat included a list of upcoming meetings and an informa- tion update survey to help with the recent publica- tion of a new BristleCone directory. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete this form and hand-deliver or mail it to 1048 Deer Clover Way as soon as possible so we can keep your contact informa- tion updated. We are working hard to keep BristleCone a beautiful and enjoyable place to live.
BrambleRidge HOA
The BrambleRidge HOA Board has announced new management for our association, effective October 1. Homeowners should have received letters to this effect, with the contact information for our new managers. The BrambleRidge HOA Board wishes to thank the task force for all their assistance leading to this deci- sion: Bill Ader, Judy Kleiner, Dennis Cross, and Jerry Wheeler.
Thank you to the BrambleRidge Social Club for orga- nizing the recent block party, which was held at the Castle Pines North community center this year. This fun event also allowed homeowners to meet their new managers.
The BrambleRidge Annual Holiday Party will be held at Gabriel’s on December 2. More information about this event will be provided to residents.

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