Page 41 - OCT 2018 The Castle Pines Connection proof 1
P. 41
RHMS Fun Run and Breakfast
By Lia Pirazzi, RHMS intern writer; photos courtesy of Julie Olsen
On the morning of September 18 at 7:30 a.m., more than 50 people gathered on the Rocky Heights Middle School (RHMS) football  eld ready to run the very  rst Cross-Country Student/Parent Fun Run and Potluck Breakfast. All the participants lined up on the  eld, waiting for the shot of the starting gun. At the bang, the students and parents started o  down the path at a paced run. Conversation and the pump of running feet could be heard throughout the crowd.
The fun run was a mile and a half run that brought together the RHMS cross country athletes, their parents and the elementary feeder schools: Bu alo Ridge, Redstone, Timber Trail, and Wildcat Mountain. The  rst few people reached the halfway point quickly, having followed the spray-painted lines around the school, down a path and eventually back toward the football  eld. These runners enjoyed the exertion the jog gave them. The rest of the group followed suit, but several people decided to  nish with a cheerful walk.
When the runners made it back to the  eld, they were all ready to have a big breakfast which included fruit, donuts, egg dishes, cereal, and chocolate milk. After  lling their plates, everyone found a place to
sit and chat while enjoying their meal.
RHMS cross-country runners were all smiles as they lined up at the starting line for he race to begin.
Athletes were able to talk to the elementary students and were happy to tell them about the great team at RHMS.
The cross-county fun run was organized
by the RHMS cross country coaches: Stephen Schmitz (sixth grade math), Sharon Majetich (eighth grade social studies), Julie Olsen (seventh and eighth grade family consumer sciences), Heather O'Brien
(sixth grade science), and Lori Qui (school counselor).
Everyone who came out enjoyed the festivities. Coach Olsen said that her absolute favorite part of the whole day was “Bringing together the elementary schools with our cross-country team.” When asked, Coach Majetich said, “We thought the event was a success and we look forward to doing it again next cross-country season.” The Rocky Heights  rst Cross-Country Student/Parent Fun Run was a great start to a tradition in the making.

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