Page 40 - MORINGA OLEIFERA-The Most Useful Plant on Earth
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Moringa and CANCER
An International Journal for
Lung Cancer and other
Oncology Letters 2015 Thoracic Malignancies 2012
Moringa oleifera: Natural
A Potential Oral Anticancer drug Leaf Extract with Potential
Candidate, Moringa oleifera leaf
Extract, Induces the Apoptosis of Anti-Cancerous Effect on
Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma A549 Lung Cancer Cells
Cells “MTT assay showed significant
decrease (100%) in the viability
“These results support the potential of of A 549 lung cancer cells in a
soluble extracts of Moringa oleifera leaf as dose dependent manner.”
orally administered therapeutics for the
treatment of human liver and lung cancers.” Journal of Medicinal
Trees for Life Journal 2005 Plant Research 2014
Moringa oleifera… Antioxidant and
PEER REVIEWED: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Anticancer Activities of
Moringa oleifera Leaves
Cancer Prevention: Since Moringa species have
long been recognized by folk medicine practitioners “This study provides evidence
as having value in tumor therapy, we examined that Moringa oleifera leaves
compounds for their cancer preventive potential…”
(compounds of Moringa oleifera) “Inhibited tumor possess antioxidant activity,
promotion in a mouse two-stage DMBA-TPA tumor as well as cytotoxic and
model.” chemoprotective properties.”