Page 45 - MORINGA OLEIFERA-The Most Useful Plant on Earth
P. 45

Moringa and  ULCERS

                                                                          An Herbal and Nutritional

                                                                        Guide for Kenyan Families
                            Journal of Pharmaceutical Science                    2006 TICAH
                            and Bioscientific Research 2013
                                                                                For use on stomach ulcers:
                            Evaluation of Antiulcer Activity of         “Moringa leaf infusion Dissolve 1 tsp
                            Moringa Oleifera Seed Extract               dried and powdered leaves in a glass
                                                                        of hot water.  Drink 2 x daily…”
                            “The results suggested that ethanolic
                            extract of Moringa oleifera posesses
                            significant antiulcer activity.”              African Journal of Traditional,
                                                                          Complementary and Alternative
                             International Research                       Medicines 2006

                             Journal of                                   PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND
                             Pharmaceuticals 2012                         ANTIULCEROGENIC EFFECT OF
                                                                          MORINGA OLEIFERA AQUEOUS LEAF
                             “Anti-Ulcer and Antioxidant Activity         EXTRACT
                             of Moringa oleifera (Lam)                    “Pretreatment with Extract 200,
                             Leaves…”                                     300 and 400 mg/kg bw reduced
                                                                          the characteristic lesions…”
                             “The said extract of Moringa oleifera
                             lam. was found to decrease ulcer and         “The effects observed could be
                             acid pepsin secretion.”                      due to the action of one or more
                                                                          of the phytochemicals present in
                                                                          the leaf extract.”

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