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 11 — Ultrasound Assessment of Arterial Bypass Grafts
1. Bandyk DR, Schmitt DD, Seabrook GR, et al. Monitoring functional patency of in situ saphe- nous vein bypasses: the impact of a surveillance protocol and elective revision. J Vasc Surg. 1989;9(2):286–296.
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3. Tinder CN, Chavanpun JP, Bandyk DF, et al. Efficacy of duplex ultrasound surveillance after infrainguinal vein bypass may be enhanced by identification of characteristics predictive of graft stenosis development. J Vasc Surg. 2008;48(3):613–618.
4. Gupta AK, Bandyk DF, Cheanvechai D, et al. Natural history of infrainguinal vein graft ste- nosis relative to bypass grafting technique. J Vasc Surg. 1997;25(2):211–225.
5. Berceli SA, Hevelone ND, Lipsitz SR, et al. Surgical and endovascular revision of infrain- guinal vein bypass grafts: analysis of midterm outcomes from the PREVENT III trial. J Vasc Surg. 2007;46(6):1173–1179.
6. Calligaro KD, Doerr K, McAfee-Bennett S, et al. Should duplex ultrasonography be per- formed for surveillance of femoropopliteal and femorotibial arterial prosthetic bypasses? Ann Vasc Surg. 2001;15(5):520–524.
7. Brumberg RS, Back MR, Armstrong PA, et al. The relative importance of graft surveillance and warfarin therapy in infrainguinal prosthetic bypass failure. J Vasc Surg. 2007;46(6): 1160–1166.
8. Landry GL, Liem TK, Mitchell EL, et al. Factors affecting symptomatic vs asymptomatic vein graft stenoses in lower extremity bypass grafts. Arch Surg. 2007;142(2):848–854.
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10. Mills JL, Bandyk DF, Gahtan V, et al. The origin of infrainguinal vein graft stenosis: a prospective study based on duplex surveillance. J Vasc Surg. 1995;21(1):16–25.
11. Reifsnyder T, Towne JB, Seabrook GR, et al. Biologic characteristics of long-term autogenous vein grafts: a dynamic evolution. J Vasc Surg. 1993;17(1):207–217.
12. Calligaro KD, Musser DJ, Chen AY, et al. Duplex ultrasonography to diagnose failing arterial prosthetic grafts. Surgery. 1996;120(3):455–459.
13. Bandyk DF, Armstrong PA. Surveillance of infrainguinal bypass grafts. In: Zierler RE, ed. Strandness’s Duplex Scanning in Vascular Disorders. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010:341–349.
14. Mofidi R, Kelman J, Bennett S, et al. Significance of the early postoperative duplex result in infrainguinal vein bypass surveillance. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2007;34(3):327–332.

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