Page 216 - Libro 2
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bilateral in nature although findings may be more pronounced in one extremity than the other. More than 80% of patients will have involvement of the disease in three of the four extremities. Because these symptoms are similar to those produced by other diseases, autoimmune diseases, hypercoagulable
Figure 13-1 A: A high-grade stenosis of an axillary artery in a patient with giant cell arteritis. B: Irregular color filling of the bra- chial artery with color aliasing and echolucency observed sur- rounding the vessel. C: Doppler spectrum of the brachial artery stenosis. D: Color flow with irregular filling and aliasing at the stenosis (arrow). E: Grayscale image with diffuse wall thickening (arrow).
states, and cardioembolic disease must be excluded. Tobacco abuse is always present in the clinical his- tory of patients with Buerger’s disease and is essen- tial to the progression of the disease. Both smoking and chewing tobacco are associated with the disease. The disease is very prevalent in India where people

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