Page 225 - Libro 2
P. 225
13 — Special Considerations in Evaluating Nonatherosclerotic Arterial Pathology
which had been worsening over the past 4 days. He had no history of smoking or peripheral vascular dis- ease. Figure 13-11A illustrates grossly abnormal flow within the distal superficial femoral artery. Staccato- type flow was seen in the proximal popliteal artery (Fig. 13-11B). The mid-to-distal popliteal artery was
Figure 13-11 A: Abnormal distal superficial femoral artery ve- locities. B: Staccato-type flow with the proximal popliteal artery. C: Thrombosed popliteal artery aneurysm.
found to be aneurysmal and thrombosed (Fig. 13-11C). Popliteal artery aneurysms are rare manifestations in patients with Marfan’s syndrome.16
Pathology Box 13-1 summarizes the nonathero- sclerotic pathologies discussed in this chapter. It lists the common sites and vascular test findings.
Nonatherosclerotic Arterial Pathology
Pathology Common Site Affected Vascular Test Findings
Giant cell arteritis
Takayasu’s arteritis
Buerger’s disease
Radiation-induced arteritis
Superficial temporal artery; extracranial arteries; occasionally, aortic arch branches
Aortic arch and its branches
Small- and medium-sized arteries; digital vessels
Any artery
• Increased PSV at stenosis
• Concentric wall thickening
• Anechoic “halo” may be present
• Increased PSV at stenosis
• Concentric wall thickening
• “Macaroni” sign
• Aneurysmal formation
• Dampened digital PPGs
• Small vessel focal stenosis with increased PSV • Concentric wall thickening
• Increased PSV
• Normal adjacent arterial segments