Page 278 - Libro 2
P. 278
Critical Thinking Questions
1. A patient presents for a bilateral lower extremity mapping of the great saphe- nous vein. On the right leg, there is an incision that runs from the upper thigh to the mid-calf. The patient explains that he underwent a coronary artery bypass graft 4 years earlier and the surgeons used a vein from his right leg. Do you alter your planned mapping procedure? Why or why not?
2. You begin a mapping procedure of the cephalic and basilic veins. In the up- per arm, both veins are found to be approximately 2 mm in diameter. What step can you take to aid in the examination of these veins?
3. You are explaining the techniques of saphenous vein mapping to a new staff member. What aspects of the ultrasound system, including specific settings and adjustments, should you review?
1. Talbot SR. Use of real-time imaging in identifying deep venous obstruction: a preliminary report. Bruit. 1982;6:41–42.
2. Leopold PW, Shandall AA, Kupinski AM, et al. The role of B-mode venous mapping in in- frainguinal arterial bypasses. Br J Surg. 1989;76(3):305–307.
3. Shandall AA, Leather RP, Corson JD, et al. Use of the short saphenous vein in situ for popli- teal-to-distal artery bypass. Am J Surg. 1987;154(2):240–244.
4. Caggiati A, Bergan JJ, Gloviczki P, et al. Nomenclature of the veins of the lower limbs: an international interdisciplinary consensus statement. J Vasc Surg. 2002;36(2):416–422.
5. Caggiata A, Bergan JJ, Gloviczki P, et al. Nomenclature of the veins of the lower limbs: exten- sions, refinements, and clinical application. J Vasc Surg. 2005;41(4):719–724.
6. Kupinski AM, Evans SM, Khan AM, et al. Ultrasonic characterization of the saphenous vein. Cardiovasc Surg. 1993;1(5):513–517.
7. Shah DM, Chang BB, Leopold PW, et al. The anatomy of the greater saphenous venous sys- tem. J Vasc Surg. 1986;3(2):273–283.
8. Chang BB, Kupinski AM, Darling RC III, et al. Preoperative saphenous vein mapping. In: AbuRahma AF, Bergan JJ, eds. Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis. London, England: Springer- Verlag; 1999:335–344.
9. Kupinski AM, Leather RP, Chang BB, et al. Preoperative mapping of the saphenous vein. In: Bernstein EF, ed. Vascular Diagnosis. St. Louis, MO: Mosby;1993:897–901.