Page 172 - Libro vascular I
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Chapter 12
Anatomy of the lower limb venous system and assessment of venous insufficiency
Investigation of recurrent varicose veins 182
Possible causes of LSV recurrences 182
Possible causes of SSV recurrences 184
Assessment of patients with skin changes and venous ulceration 185
Other disorders of the venous system 186
Superficial thrombophlebitis 186 Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) 186 Venous hemangioma 187
Reporting 187
Introduction 164 Anatomy 164
Deep venous system of the lower limbs 164 Anatomy of the superficial vein
system 165
Anatomical variations 168
Venous valves 168
Flow patterns in the venous system 169
Venous disorders of the lower limbs 169
Varicose veins 169
Treatment of superficial venous
disorders 170
Skin changes and venous ulcers 170
Practical considerations for duplex scanning of varicose veins 171
Augmentation maneuvers and venous reflux 172
Calf compression 172
Valsalva maneuver 172
Grading of superficial and deep venous reflux 173
Problems with reflux classification 175
Scanning protocol for the lower limb venous system 176
Assessment of the LSV and deep veins of the
thigh and knee 177
Assessment of the SSV 178
Concluding the scan 181
B-mode appearance of varicose veins and
perforators 181