Page 197 - Libro vascular I
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Scriven J M, Hartshorne T, Bell P R, et al 1997 Single-visit venous ulcer assessment clinic: the first year. British Journal of Surgery 84(3):334–336
Stuart W P, Adam D J, Allan P L, et al 2000 The relationship between the number, competence, and diameter of medial calf perforating veins and the clinical status in
Further reading
Bellard G, Nicolaides A N, Veller M 1995 Venous disorders. W B Saunders, London
Browse N, Burnand K G, Irvine A T, et al 1999 Diseases of the veins, 2nd edn. Arnold, London
Greenhalgh R M (ed) 1995 Vascular imaging for surgeons. W B Saunders, London
healthy subjects and patients with lower-limb venous
disease. Journal of Vascular Surgery 32(1):138–143 Walsh J C, Bergan J J, Beeman S, et al 1994 Femoral
venous reflux abolished by greater saphenous vein stripping. Annals of Vascular Surgery 8(6): 566–570